Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Harvest Time!

Yesterday had been kind of a long day.  In the early afternoon we were interviewed by an attorney representing the state concerning my application for guardianship over Piper.  Everything went well and the young lady was quite friendly, helpful and accommodating to our request.  I think it was the battle that I constantly face with what medical science says about the final outcome of my wife’s situation verses standing strong on the truth of what God’s Word says that was working on me!
Nevertheless, I endeavored to keep the Word ever before Piper and I throughout the day and had an enlightening experience just before I turned the light out.  It didn’t help that she had begun the day weaker than is usual but as we spoke the Word over her, she continued to gain strength until she was walking pretty steady after we turned off the TV and headed to bed.  Once tucked in for the night, I sat on the floor by her side and began to read from her healing scriptures confession sheet.  But it seemed that the Lord had a slightly different direction for us.  Suddenly my mind was filled with numerous scriptures that talk about the life that is in the Word.  The Apostle John seems to be consumed with this reality throughout his epistle beginning in John 1:4 saying that “In Him was life” (KJV)  In John 6:63 and 35 he tells us that Jesus gives life to the world while John 6:63 declares that His Word is life!  This truth continues to be visited in John 10:10 and 11:25.
The more I spoke out last night, the more excited I became!  Finally I just had to stop and raise my hands in praise and thanksgiving to God.  Then I understood why the Lord had led me to continuously speak out His Word over Piper both day and night!  I looked over to my wife who was resting her head comfortably on her pillow and exclaimed, “Do you realize how much of God’s life you have flowing in your body?  He has had us to saturate your entire being with His absolute fullness of life (the Greek meaning of His Zoë life).” Then I paused, giggled a little and continued saying: “And He is watching over all that Word and all that life that is in you to perform it in its due season!”
When you take Jeremiah 1:12 into context you discover that the Lord is saying that “nature is a parable of God’s workings.” (Cambridge bible for Schools and Colleges)  He is talking here about seed time and harvest.  In Ecclesiastics 3:2 we are told “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (KJV) I could hardly contain myself last night as I understood the purpose of the planting of His Word into my wife and His “watching over my Word to perform it.” (KJV)  For when the different seasons that His Word in her comes to harvest, we will be ready and able to pick the fruit!  PRAISE THE LORD!
Isaiah 55:11 tells us that His Word NEVER goes void, “but shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (KJV)  I tell you… when I finally did turn the light out last night, my heart was swooning in the Love of my Savior!  The way that things may look like when they are contrary to God’s Word must have little sway in the way I think, act, speak and believe. 
Last night the Lord reassured me of His commitment to my wife and I... and He desires to do the same with you today!  So reach out and grab hold of the truth of His Word.  Take that Word and saturate yourself with it!  Meditate on it day and night… and then wait and see His harvest time come into your life.
Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting to bring HARVEST TIME into my life today?

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