Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, July 8, 2013

Great Faith

I heard a sermon yesterday where the Pastor was teaching on the subject of “Great Faith.”  His spoke of the two places in the Gospels where Jesus specifically talked about individuals with this level of faith.  These two people only had a couple of things in common.  They were Gentiles and they were fully committed to Jesus.  As non-Jews they came to Him with little knowledge of the baggage of the Law.  They approached Him with only His abilities and His love in mind and did not carry the burden of their personal inabilities to keep the dictates of the Law.

Both of these individuals put aside their own places in society, their own pride and sought Him, for they knew Him to be the only answer they had.  The Centurion humbled himself from his place of authority and honor in the community while the women threw out any personal pride at being called “a dog” for the sake of her daughter’s healing. 
The Contemporary English Version makes 2 Corinthians 2:14 relevant to this thought by stating, “I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory…”  The characters in these stories understood the possibility of Christ leading their situation into His victory!  They knew that they had to get into His victory procession.  They realized that what they needed had to come from Him… and Jesus called their actions “Great Faith!”
I often wonder, especially over the last four years, what the Lord would call my actions of faith when it comes to my wife’s situation.  Am I as sold out and certain in my conviction of His abilities to bring His victory into our lives as the Centurion and the Mom that approached Jesus were?  I would like to think that I am, and even though I have my weak moments, I strive to be sold out to Him and His Word.
Using His measure, how would you rate your faith?  Are you willing to set everything aside in order to approach Him?  From what I can see… it has to be all about Him and His victory procession.  I jotted down a note to myself yesterday as I continued to study 2 Corinthians 2:14 that left me with the thought: “What am I expecting each and every day, in each and every situation I face in life… His victory or my failure?”
I think the answer is self-evident.  How about you?  Have a good day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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