Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Casting Stones

I was following a train of thought in my morning bible study the other day when I came across John 12:47 where Jesus said, “If anyone hears my words and doesn’t follow them, I don’t condemn (or judge) them.  I didn’t come to condemn (or judge) the world but to save the world.” (God’s Word ©)  When I comprehended those words I had a similar reaction as when I worked in the outside garden department at The Home Depot in Tulsa, Oklahoma when the summer temperature was 110 with 75 – 85% humidity and would walk through the sliding door into the inside of the store.  The blast of cold, air conditioned air was not necessarily refreshing, it was almost like an electrical shock to my whole body!

I sat back in my chair that morning and let the words “I didn’t come to condemn the world but to save the world” reverberate throughout my being.  In a flash, I saw before my eyes all the articles that I had read where various Christian Churches or leaders had made derogatory comments against legislation that was recently passed that didn’t agree with our biblical viewpoint. I thought of all the little “funny” jabs that I have heard different Pastors or evangelists make from the pulpit about churches that may not celebrate a Sunday service as exuberantly as my church affiliation, and I considered all the negative comments that I have read and heard (many personally) from individuals who have vehemently disagreed with some of the Christian leaders I hold very dear to my spiritual upbringing.
I also recalled the sting I felt a few years back when members of our own family and a few Christian friends made judgmental statements against my character when I began to deal with the situation surrounding my wife’s initial diagnosis of the early onset of Alzheimer’s.  In my most vulnerable time of emotional pain and confusion when I needed love and compassion, I was faced with a barrage of criticism and fear.
If Jesus were here on this earth today, how would He have handled the announcements of governmental legislation that didn’t agree with His Father’s ways?  How would He have handled conflicting beliefs in the church?  How would He have handled another person’s tragedy even if He didn’t necessarily agree with decisions the individual involved may have made in the past as well as in their present situation?
I think the statement He made a few thousand years ago answers that question.  He would not judge or condemn, He would act in love in order to help bring salvation into the lives of the people involved.  Or to bring a clearer definition of the word “save” which is the Greek word “sozo,” Jesus would work through the actions of love in order to bring healing, wholeness, peace and joy into the various situations He saw around Him!
He didn’t react to the problems in society by judging it or the people living in sin, He simply loved on them!  And you know what?  As part of the body of Christ, we are representatives of Jesus in the world today.  Therefore we should be doing the same things today, here and now, as He did back then.
Another rude awakening I had was when I realized that I reacted in the same way toward my distractors as they did to me!  My immediate response, after the initial shock wore off, was to judge and/or condemn them.  Whoa!  Well… thank God for His grace.  I think I’ve finally learned my lesson and am doing my best to walk in love and forgiveness.  How about you?  What do you think about Jesus’ words on how we should respond to the dark areas in our society or in the lives of those who are close to us?
Kind of gets you thinking doesn’t it?  Jesus’ response to the religious leaders who brought the women caught in the act of adultery to Him was to challenge them by saying “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7 English Standard Version)  I know that I have unwittingly thrown many stones in the past, but I now aim to take Jesus’ standpoint on the negative situations around me. What about you?  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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