“Certainly you have tasted that the Lord is good!
You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God,
who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
- I Peter 2:3, 9 (God’s Word ©)
When was the last time that you experienced the marvelous light of God? When was the last time that you were called out from the darkness of despair and wonderfully drawn into the marvelous light of answered prayer that came about through your diligent and consistent stand of faith? When was the last time that you just met alone with Him and received the glorious revelation of His countless acts of goodness toward you and those you care for?
I had one of those experiences this morning as I sat looking out the window at the dark, stormy weather that was beating against the window in my study. Even though it was wet, windy and cold outside, His marvelous light shined brightly in my heart. It happened as I read through the scriptures in I Peter 2 and then stopped as I came upon verse 12 which reads: “Live decent lives among unbelievers. Then, although they ridicule you as if you were doing wrong while they are watching you do good things, they will praise God on the day he comes to help you.” (God’s Word ©)
It was almost as though I could not believe my eyes, so I reread the verse again. And as I did I began to laugh and rejoice in the glow of His marvelous light. With this verse I could plainly see why those whom I have mentioned in the past who had been detractors to us in the beginning of our fight for my wife’s health, were now beginning to act as though nothing had ever happened and were showing shows of agreement with us as to the track we are on today. These folks are having the eyes of their understanding opened to the help that the Lord is giving to us through our stand of faith, and are beginning to praise Him for the visible results!
That was His bright light shining on what has been a very dark shadow in our lives. I have to admit that it took me quite awhile to stop thanking and praising Him for that taste of His goodness that He allowed me to enjoy in the midst of the situation that is still unfolding before us.
Have you tasted of His goodness today? Have you taken the opportunity to walk out of any darkness that may be currently surrounding you and take a stroll into His marvelous light as I did this morning? I encourage you to go for it! Take a few moments and bring to mind all of the good things that He has and is accomplishing for you. It doesn’t matter how big or how insignificant the victory may be. Take the time right now to celebrate the taste of His goodness toward you. Savor its flavor, breath in its richness and marvel at the tender texture of His touch in your life. Then let the praises and giving of thanks flow uninhibitedly to Him. Enjoy yourself, as you enjoy the taste of His goodness to you. Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What good things am I expecting to TASTE today?”
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