Have you ever been embarrassed by a loved one while in the presence of others whom you don’t know? Have you ever had second thoughts about mentioning that you were related to someone who may not be liked by the one to whom you are conversing with? Have you ever been embarrassed to mention that you are a Christian or to pray for someone in a public place?
I had to deal with the threat of embarrassment in public places as my wife’s health declined. As I have mentioned before, my wife always possessed the type of looks and bubbly personality that made people turn and look when she came into a room. I was always proud to be holding her hand when we went somewhere. When we were engaged and attending college away from home, most of our new acquaintances would come up to us and say things like “Oh Hi, you’re Piper and… (glancing toward me) I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name!” Yes, she has an unusual name, but she also always had an unusually encouraging personality and smile that people just don’t forget!
With the advance of AD came some changes in her physical features along with the inability to easily communicate with others. One day early on, I became painfully aware that I was actually embarrassed by her in certain situations. That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The one who has always been the center of my life, the one whose photos I have had plastered all over my workplace at the various jobs I have held, the one I couldn’t wait for others to meet… It was incredible to me as I found myself acting so self-centered that I might be afraid of someone else’s reaction by something a little out of the ordinary that my wife might say or do.
Those thoughts scared me and then brought me to tears! Then the truth of what I tell others, who haven’t seen her for awhile, came to me as I saw that she is still the same wonderful, outgoing and encouraging person that she’s always been. Right now she is fighting a battle, but those same attributes are still alive and well and trying to come out. In fact they are still coming out. I have mentioned in previous posts how people continually tell me what a sweet spirit my wife has. As I thought more about it, I also realized that most strangers we encounter in the stores we shop in will go out of their way to respond to her when she makes eye contact with them and then flashes that wonderful little smile of hers! I guess that’s when the stupidity of my actions were realized and forgiveness was asked and received. Once again, I am proud to be holding her hand when we go anywhere. I am proud to introduce her as my wife and as the most precious possession of my life! No matter what, she is still the same wonderful, loving, bubbly and beautiful women of God that she has always been.
Many of us have had to deal with similar inhibitions when it comes to acknowledging our relationship with our heavenly Father while in public places. The Apostle Paul made the unabashed comment that he was “not ashamed of the Good News. It is God’s power to save everyone that believes…” (Romans 1:16 Gods Word ©) Is that the same stand that you make? Are you free to share all the good things that He has done for you when asked? Are you courageous enough to share the “power” that can radically change (or save) the life of the one you are speaking to? Remember that the word “save” is as the Scofield Reference Bible explains “the great inclusive word of the gospel, gathering into itself all the redemptive acts and processes.” Are you proud and confident enough of your heavenly Father’s ability to positively affect another’s life so as to tell them about Him? Or… are you a little like I was? Too self-centered and concerned about my own affect on others!
Think about it. Where would we be if Peter, James, John and Paul felt that way? Have a good day. Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”
Piper is blessed to have you, but I believe you are more blessed to have her. Thank you for sharing something so personal and real.
ReplyDeleteI heartily agree! Thanks for your encouragement. - PJ