Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Unexplainable!

Let’s go a little further today in our discussion of our reliance on God’s love by examining our personal levels of confidence that we have in Him and His love toward us.  I John 5:14 - 15 states that “We are confident that God listens to us if we ask for anything that has His approval (or is according to His will in the KJV).  We know that He listens to our requests.  So we know that we already have what we ask for.”  (Gods Word ©)  According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions this means that we can walk in “free and fearless confidence and cheerful courage” because of our reliance on Him and His love as promised to us in His word.

When we made the big move to Oklahoma numerous years ago, we had a well prayed through and organized financial plan.  After we had been there for awhile, our plan came under attack.  Our solid as a rock Suburban began to have some major mechanical problems, our kids were having difficulties adjusting to the move, my wife’s as yet determined or diagnosed memory issues were becoming more prevalent and put a damper on her ability to find employment and then came the arrival of a few completely unexpected bills.

I was already working full time and attending school full time so there wasn’t a lot more opportunities for me to add to the family bank account.  I remember standing at the big kitchen window holding hands with my wife and praying for the Lord’s directions.  When we finished our prayer it was like a warm mist enveloped me.  I was so overcome with the tangible presence of God’s love that I could hardly move.  All I knew at that instant was that God loved us so much that He would not let us flounder in our new residence, 1800 miles away from home, as we were obedient to answer His call and attend Bible School.

I rested in that uncanny calm for the next few weeks even though nothing positive seemed to be happening.  Then the little miracles began to surface.  One afternoon at work I got a call from one of the Assistant Store Mangers asking me to come to his office.  When I arrived he handed me a bonus check from my old store back in California.  Unbeknownst to me that store had exceeded its targets when I was there and all the employees were given bonuses.  Since I was still with the company, they sent my check across the country to my new store!  It was kind of funny in that my new store had not met their targets for many years and most people didn’t even know about the bonus program.  My boss had me stand up at a store meeting and share the events of the check with everyone!

A little while after that we received a check in the mail for the proceeds from the sale of my beloved Camaro that my Father in law had sold for us back in California(Believe me… it was a bitter sweet day!!!)  And it didn’t end there.  One night a fellow student whom I also worked with came up to me in the break room and handed me a pair of keys saying “You remember what you and I had agreed on a few months ago?”  As I looked at him with what must have been a blank stare he went on by saying “Your second car. We agreed that you were going to get another car.  So here it is.  Come out with me to the parking lot!”  Well, it may not have been a sight of beauty to someone else, but that 1996 faded blue Mazda with 196 thousand miles on it looked like a Corvette to me!  (We gave that car to my son when we moved back home and he drove it up until just about a month ago when it finally died!)  It was like the dam had broken and before you know it we made it through!  But, if it had not been for my confidence in His love for me and my family, I seriously don’t know what we would have done.

That’s confidence that has no grounds in the visible circumstances that may surround you.  It is a confidence that is totally based on your ever growing comprehension of His love “that is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it.”  (Ephesians 3:19 The Living Bible)  It is confidence in the one and only God who is the very definition of love itself.  Wow!  It reminds me of that old Kurt Kaiser song that we sang in the Rock Opera that I wrote back in the 70’s.  The chorus goes:

“Oh, how He loves you and me,
 Oh, how He loves you and me.
 He gave His life, what more could He give;
 Oh, how He loves you, Oh, how He loves me,
 Oh, how He loves you and me.” 

We have that unexplainable confidence simply because of how much He loves you and me.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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