Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday Mornings...

I awoke a little earlier than normal on this sunny Saturday Morning, to the unfamiliar, heavy sound of what I took to be a piece of equipment that they were using to groom the greens on the city golf course outside my front door.  Since it was about fifteen minutes before my usual get up and go time, I took advantage of the moment, turned onto my back and enjoyed the respite before my day began.

I guess that it wasn’t too unusual for me to almost immediately start to think about how much I missed turning over on Saturday Mornings and smiling as I took in the view of my sweet wife sleeping calmly next to me.  Like most husbands, I’m sure, I learned how to softly touch and/or whisper to her in the mornings, so as not to suddenly disturb her pleasant dreams, but gently let her know of my loving touch and peaceful presence next to her.

I also realized that Saturday Mornings were usually the only times that we could enjoy somewhat of a leisurely rise and shine schedule.  It was the only day (on most weeks) when neither of us were working!  I was home for the day and the Berruto family home school was closed… except for some brief catch up sessions!

Saturday Mornings likewise, were traditionally the day for a big family breakfast in our home… and nine times out of ten… the feast included pancakes or waffles, turkey bacon (Piper was not normally a consumer of pork – but had found a brand of turkey bacon that was… if I say so myself… pretty good!), orange juice and a variety of toppings for the pancakes that always included, butter, syrup, honey (for a while Sorghum syrup… not my favorite), peanut butter and jelly, and on most weekends, fresh applesauce, lovingly homemade (by Piper and the kids) with the Gravenstein apples from the tree in our backyard! 

So, with all that family gathering and fun time going on… it is easy to understand why our relaxed get up and go schedule usually took until noon each and every Saturday Morning!

And you know… It just so happens that I discovered this week, during my Bible study times, that Saturday Mornings (and every other morning for that matter…) are also an important family time for our heavenly Father God!

In Isaiah 50:4 the Prophet speaks to us, informing us that,

The Lord God gives to me (as well as to us today…) a tongue of instruction to know when it is necessary to speak a word, so that I should know how to sustain with words, him that is weary.  He wakes me up in the Morning, wakes me up in the Morning and opens my ears to listen (and hear) as one ready to take orders, like a student.”*

We can gather from this portion of scripture, that Saturday Mornings, along with the other six Mornings of the week, are important times for God to capture our undistracted attention in order to speak to us… the members of HIS family!

Just like I purposely enjoyed taking the quiet time this morning (especially after the noisy equipment meandered down the golf course away from my home), to allow my thoughts to enjoy the heartwarming memories of the fun times with Piper and the kids that were special to us on Saturday Mornings… you and I can learn, in the quiet of the Morning, to allow our heavenly Father to speak to us… in order “to open our ears to listen and hear as one ready to take orders and learn as a student.”

At this point in my life… I can’t even imagine what my day would look like if I stopped spending special time with my father God on Saturday Morningsand all the others in the week that follow after that!

What about you?  Did you enjoy wonderful family time with your Father in heaven today?  Your Saturday Mornings may not be complete until you do!

Fiver and I just returned from our Saturday Afternoon walk a few moments ago… and I must say that the last day of summer is going out with a HOT boom!  The first day of FALL tomorrow, slips down to the low 90’s and then makes its FALL DROP into the 70’s for the foreseeable future!

Have a wonderful weekend and put in a good word for me on the next Saturday Morning you spend with our father God!


*My personalized rendering put together from The Remedy New Testament, The Passion Translation and The Message paraphrase Bible.

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