Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Badge of Honor

My house out here in northeastern Oklahoma is built upon a concrete slab.  Every other house that I have ever lived in, both in California and North Carolina, was set on a raised foundation with a crawl space.  Due to the slope of the property, there were portions under our house in North Carolina where I could easily walk with just a slight bend in my back!  In fact, that house had the water heater under the house, which was something that I had never seen before.

I’ve kind of grown fond of the solid aspects of the concrete slab though… especially because I do not have to crawl under the house looking for plumbing leaks, drainage problems, checking out strange noises that could lead to only God knows what is living under there and having to put on my grubbiest clothes before I attempt a journey into the dark, creepy unknown.

I also like the symbolism that the solid concrete foundation exemplifies… mainly that it ain’t going anywhere no matter just about anything that comes against it!  We had a pretty active tornado season this past spring and there were many newscasts vividly documenting the damage inflicted in the areas around Oklahoma where the tornados touched down.  As the cameras scrolled down the affected neighborhoods, the damage was evident with roofs missing, parts of houses torn apart and, in many cases, houses or barns totally gone… EXCEPT… for their concrete foundations!

As I read about the pivotal place that our personal FAITH holds in our daily Christian walk in scriptures like Galatians 5:6 where the Apostle Paul taught us saying,

“For in my union with Christ Jesus, there is no outward performance or ritual that can produce the vital transformation*, for you see, all that matters is my FAITH that is activated and engaged, and expressed and working through LOVE.” (Williams/AMP)

I can’t help but think about the solid, unmovable, steadfast and faithful foundation that God’s LOVE gives to you and me in our daily lives.  Awful things, false accusations, sickness, lack and desertions by people close to us may come up like a spring thunderstorm that spools up a tornado and rips parts of our life apart… but the solid foundation of God’s gracious, unconditional LOVE for you and me is NEVER moved from under us.

And it is our deeply personal knowing of God’s intimate LOVE for each of us … and our ever-increasing intimate and personal LOVE for Him that gives us that solid foundation from which we can build our FAITH and live our lives in the victory that He desires for us to have.**

Without that solid foundation of God’s LOVE, we have no foundation or building blocks for us to grow and establish our FAITH on.  Without His foundation of LOVE, we open the doors of our hearts, thoughts and actions to doubt, fear and unbelief.

Philippians 4:6 tells us to,

“Never worry about anything.”

But when I share that with people, many times their first response is that “I can’t do that!  That’s just who I am.  I’m a worrywart!”

It is almost like it is a Badge of Honor that they mistakenly wear on their chest!  For many… worry and anxiety is so embedded in our families or in our society that it is the accepted norm… in fact, if you DON’T worry… people will think that there is something wrong with you, and/or that you don’t care for or have enough sense to take the situation seriously. (I’ve had people accuse me of this!).  Philippians 4:6 continues saying,

“But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.” (God’s Word ©) 

I’ve heard it taught from many a pulpit that people who think that they HAVE to worry and can’t help themselves… are in reality… saying that their problem, their situation and their personal ability to worry about it, is BIGGER and in fact… MORE IMPORTANT and STRONGER than God! 

Hummmm… that always gets me to thinking about re-arranging my “stinkin’ thinkin’” What do you think?

But GodThank God… always gives us an attached blessing, benefit or reward for our obedience to Him and His Word.  The next verse explains what is in store for us when we stand strong and choose to do what He is telling us to do (because we know that He LOVES us and we LOVE Him) and purposely put our (formally) normal response of worry aside and trust in Him (and begin to establish our new response to the activities of life).  He proclaims over us (I think with a smile on His face),

“Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.” 

And that’s not all… He then tells us how to hold on to that peace throughout the entire ordeal that set you off in the first place by instructing us stating,

“ Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.  Practice what you've learned and received from me (as well as from other Christians, Pastors and teachers), what you heard and saw me do. Then the God who gives this peace will be with you.” (verses 8-9 – God’s Word ©)

So there you go!  God not only tells us WHO to trust in for ALL the daily activities of our lives and HOW to do it, but also explains How to KEEP IT and enjoy the resulting PEACE, that only serves to amplify the solid foundation of LOVE that He undergirds our lives of FAITH with!

So… all in all… it only makes sense that the more we grow in our personal and intimate knowledge of how much God loves us… the more we are able to let go of worry and anxiety and let God show Himself to be… the one and only source in the universe that is bigger and strongerwithin the solid foundation of His LOVE… to overcome anything and anyone who would be foolish enough to come against you and His LOVE for you!

And that my dear readers… is just the way I like it to be!  Wouldn’t you agree?

Have a great weekend… and if your weather is anything like ours today… find a place in the shade and enjoy the beauty of His creation all around you!


*Galatians 5:1 / Romans 12:2

**See Ephesians 3:16-21, I Corinthians 15:57 and 2 Corinthians 2:14

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