Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

As I drove away from my local grocery store yesterday morning, I had to smile for I was pleasantly surprised that the store was less crowed than I thought it might be on the day before Thanksgiving!  I’ll be spending Thanksgiving Day with our oldest daughter and her husband who are preparing a complete KETO friendly feast, including turkey and my favorite homemade pumpkin pie!  Then we’ll connect with the rest of the clan on Friday with the other two Oklahoma families in town and online with the Tennessee Berruto’s.

It has been fun for me to observe as our oldest daughter has flawlessly stepped into the family organizer role which her mom had seamlessly performed… and she does it with the same joy, order and grace as Piper did!  I couldn’t help but to tear up yesterday, after discussing our holiday plans with Jamie, when I proudly put down my phone, looked upward and said… “You know Piper?  You’d be very proud of your older daughter… for she’s acting just like you, as she has stepped into your shoes as the family gathering expert!”

So, with those plans getting ironed out, I started thinking this morning, that I am very THANKFUL for the strong foundation of LOVE, GRACE, RESPECT and HONOR that Piper and I established beginning in high school as our relationship blossomed, and continued to grow in our family through the years as our children matured into adulthood.

I was telling Jamie that it deeply saddens me that Piper was not able to enjoy watching the fruit of her labors in our adult children, from the limitless hours that she joyfully endeavored to put into the raising of our kids as their mom, their daily spiritual and moral example, and guide… and as their very much hands on, dedicated homeschool teacher.  But then I had to pause and smile as Jamie and I agreed… that she most likely is keeping a watchful and very THANKFUL eye over us all!

I’m THANKFUL over this THANKSGIVING week, that I see many of the unique and special qualities that marked Piper, demonstrated in each of our four children.  I catch familiar glimpses of her in their words, their smiles, their caring hearts, in the practice of their faith and in the ways in which they are raising their families.

In his first letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul encouraged the church saying,

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18 – KJV)

If I was forced to choose one thing that I am most THANKFUL for… I would have to say that I am most THANKFUL for the GRACE of God operating in my life.  Paul prayed for us, through his letter to the church in Rome, that God’s

“Joyous GRACE and total well-being, flowing from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, rest upon you.” (Romans 1:7 – TPT) 

Thayer’s Greek Definitions tells that the word GRACE in this verse speaks

“of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues.”

This definition informs me that God’s GRACE isn’t just a one-time salvation experience, but a life-long anointing that gives us the wisdom, the strength and the love of God to continually grow in our Christian faith and live lives that positively influence those with whom we interact with in our daily lives.

To be perfectly honest… I don’t think that I could have made it through the last 20 years of my life without the power and blessings of God’s Grace working in, for and through my life!

If you were to pick the one thing that you are most THANKFUL for right now in your life… What would it be?

I invite you to list your answers in our comments section, under our Facebook posting or on whatever platform that you are reading our THANKSGIVING post on.

So…however you celebrate today’s special holiday that (at last to me) opens up the door for the all-out, no holds barred, celebration of Christmas!... I pray that you have a very blessed, enjoyable and downright fun THANKSGIVING Day!

And if you remember… save a piece of pumpkin pie for me! (One can never have enough of a good thing!)

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