Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Color and Clarity!

As I’ve probably mentioned a time or two… I like a lot of light!  So, first thing every morning I go around the house and open all the blinds.  I made it into the study around 7:15 this morning, said hello to Fiver, who was already reclining on the loveseat in the darkened room, and nonchalantly spun the handle on the blinds expecting light to flood the room… and you know what?  It didn’t.  I stead I was met with a murky gray day that made every house and the truck parked outside my window in the cul-de-sac look the same undefined shade of blah!

I had seen the truck parked a time or two in my neighbor’s driveway, but had never really paid attention to it.  But as it was now parked across the street, directly in front of my house, I noticed that it had a good-sized sign attached to one of the side doors.  But no matter how hard I tried… it was just too gray outside to read it!  So, I shrugged my shoulders and went back into the kitchen to get the coffee going.

By the time I walked back into the study to prepare for my morning Bible study, something caught my eyes through the slats on the open blinds… It was a ray of golden sunlight that had finally made its way over the houses at the other end of the block!  And low and behold, the gray truck had miraculously turned into a maroon red and the multicolored sign on its side boldly advertised a local roofing and construction company!

At that point I turned to the dog who had since joined me at the window (he is the prefect size where he can rest his chin comfortably on the window sill!) and mentioned what a difference the sunshine can make in one’s perception of the day… and I instantly heard that familiar, small, still voice on the inside of me quietly say, “Just as the Son’s light also brings color and clarity into one’s perception of their world!”

Now, I can’t say that the dog heard the same thing that I did, but he suddenly looked up to me with a cocked head and an upright ear… as if to confirm that it was a word of insight from the Lord!

When I tuned back to my desk and sat down in front of my Bible study program that was opened up on my computer, I automatically thought of John 1:1-5 where the Apostle of love penned,

“In the beginning the WORD already existed. The WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.  He was already with God in the beginning.  Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him.  He was the source of LIFE, and that LIFE was the LIGHT for humanity.  The LIGHT shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it.” (God’s Word ©)

I had to smile as I understood that this verse of scripture defines the Son of God and refers to Him as the WORD, the LIFE and the LIGHT that shines in the dark… with the darkness never being able to extinguish it! 

I thought back fifteen minutes in time when everything was murky and gray outside and of how fast just a little bit of the sun’s golden colored light totally changed what was sitting in plain view right before me!  The situation in the cul-de-sac didn’t change, nothing moved, there was no bolt of lightning that suddenly rained down from the sky and the ground didn’t shake… but all it took was a thin line of golden light that slowly expanded from the tailgate of the truck facing westward in the cul-de-sac, to the houses across the street and finally to the beautiful greens of golf course beyond the houses.

And as I turned in my squeaky desk chair and looked out the big window that overlooks my front yard, I smiled once again as I realized that I didn’t actually need that ray of golden sunlight to suddenly appear on our side of the block that ends with the cul-de-sac that bumps up to the golf course (and the bright yellow golf ball also sitting right in front of my house between me and the red truck… that’s why I never leave my car outside of my garage!) 

All I needed to do to brighten my day and bring clarity and color into my life was to pick up one of my many Bibles scattered throughout my house or reach inside of my heart where I have hidden His Word (See: Psalm 119:11).  For you see, God’s LIFE and God’s LIGHT is always available to us… 24/7 – 365 days of the year – WITHIN THE PAGES OF HIS WRITTEN WORD as found in YOURS and MY BIBLES - to bring insight, clarity and or definition as well as color to every and any situation we may face… anytime and anywhere! 

The information contained in today’s blog post is very timely and applicable to the current and highly charged unrest in the MIDDLE EAST.  Darkness seems to be creeping out all over,,, but yetYOU and I KNOW exactly how to dispel that darkness… Don’t We!

STUDY the Word.  BELIEVE the Word.  PRAY the Word and then LIVE the Word… Let HIS LIGHT and LIFE overtake the DARKNESS and make it run away from the power of God working in and through His WORDthat is working in and through YOU!

Have a great weekend!  Keep EXPECTING God’s BESTand as you do… pass it on to others around you… who may need a little LIGHT to brighten their day today!

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