Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, May 24, 2021



verb ad-vuh-keyt; noun ad-vuh-kit, -keyt ]

·       a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc.*


I was reminded over the weekend of how most things don’t just occur out of happenstance… especially when it comes to the hand of God operating in our lives.  On at least three different occasions, I had a thought or an inkling to look up something online and each one of those seemingly random cognitive triggers eventually led me to three different preachers teaching on three – what looked like at first sight – unrelated subjects… which as I listened to them… turned out to be deeply intertwined with specific information that helped to answer some of the questions that I had been praying about for quite a while!

Did that happen just by chance?  Looking back now… I don’t think so!  Have you ever had that happen to you?  When I was taking care of Piper, I tried to keep myself well informed and up-to-date on as much current information about Alzheimer’s as I could.  But I must admit, that although I did do hours of research online, at the library, with her various doctors and with people who had gone through similar experiences as Piper and I, many times the best information was gained by a trigger that I received while watching TV, reading magazines or in unrelated conversations with people.

The answer to one of the more heart-wrenching decisions that I was pressed to make when we began to work with hospice in North Carolina came to me while watching a rerun of the TV show Hawaii Five-O… Go figure!

My point is… that as we stay sensitive to the clues and hints of the Holy Spirit, we can find His directions in almost all manner of things… many times in unexpected places and through unexpected people.  As I look back at the time before and after we finally received a correct diagnosis of Piper’s condition, I am always amazed when I consider all the different people that the Lord brought into our lives to act as an ADVOCATE on our behalf, at different times, in different placesbut always just as we needed them!

One of those hints that I heard deep inside before we returned to California after Bible College, was to re-establish our network of family and friends.  What I didn’t understand was that it wasn’t to re-establish the old network… but to re-establish a brand new one that would be better suited for Piper’s quickly deteriorating situation!  Things had changed on the home front while we were gone and the old network had broken up, allegiances had shifted and I kind of found myself confused, frustrated and at a loss as to what to do. 

But then it was like people began to pop out of the woodwork.  Occasional friendships became strong regular connections, family on my side sort of shifted into high gear with support for Piper and I, and people associated with the benefit programs we applied for and were accepted into, went way out of their way to assist us… one of the owners of the little cluster house we were renting was a retired nurse and she even told us that we could call on her day and night if Piper needed help!

One of my major yard care clients who I really only knew by name previous to the job, was a mutual friend of Piper’s folks.  She quickly became our strongest advocate for Piper and I in support of my character and the course of faith that we felt led to follow.  She became our saving grace in our defense with those who were very vocal in their opposition to us.

Our Bibles in John 14:16-17 tell of another ADVOCATE whom Jesus Himself promised all believers upon His return to heaven when He declared, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another ADVOCATE, in order that he may be with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it does not see him or know him. You know him, because he resides with you and will be in you.” (Lexham English Bible) 

Jesus is, of course, referring to the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Who comes to live in our hearts when we accept Jesus as personal Savior and Lord.  Acts 9:31 talks of the church “walking… in the comfort of the Holy Ghost.” (KJV)  I really like that thought, for the word “comfort” means “exhortation, encouragement and refreshment.” (Thayer’s)  The Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary adds the ideas of “instruction, and the bringing of cheer, joy, gladness and enjoyment.”

Now that’s the kind of ADVOCATE I want… wouldn’t you?  One who is not only fun and enjoyable to be around, but also gives you good, sound advice and makes you laugh while doing it!  Is that the way that you see the Holy Spirit working in you?  

If I could narrow it down to one main reason that I miss my wife… & believe me there are countless heart-felt reasons why I miss her… I would say it was because through EVERYTHING we did together, through both the hard times and the enjoyable moments… she was just plain old FUN to be with!  She could ALWAYS make me laugh… and me her as well!

It was a very enjoyable, mutually rewarding union of two individuals who at times, acted as one!  And you know… I fully believe that that is EXACTLY the type of union that the Holy Spirit wants to have with you and me…

What do you think about that?

In that kind of relationship, each participant wants to spend as much time with the other as they can.  Each wants to bless and encourage the other… and for me… it makes it a whole bunch easier to humble myself and listen to His instruction and words of wisdom… even when I know that the truth is going to hurt a little bit!

After all… “God is love”**… So, why shouldn’t we have that kind of relationship with the Spirit of God living is us?

Have a great week… and as you do, keep EXPECTING God’s best for your life!



** I John 4:8, 16 (KJV)

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