Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Longsuffering... what's that?

I noticed in looking at my post from yesterday that I never did mention some of the other times throughout the last few days where I kept seeing and hearing things that talked to me about “The Decision” (see 2/17/14 post) to always act in God’s agape love.  Well, I saw it during the service on Sunday when the Pastor stated that “When you fear God, you don’t fear anything else” and “God has a plan for your life and it doesn’t end with the boundaries of today!”  It would seem that when you and I walk in reverent awe of God and place our trust in Him by walking consistently in His love, that there is absolutely no reason to fear what others may say or do to us!  We simply reach out in His agape love and let Him do the rest.  When we live His way, God’s plan for our lives – our future does not end with the trials and tribulations of today!
Then the Lord zeroed right back in on this subject as I began my study time yesterday morning as well as with today’s!  But on both days I felt the Lord wanting to emphasize the point of longsuffering as stated in Ephesians 4:2 in the NKJV.  As far as walking as Christians goes, Paul declares here that we should proceed “with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering.”   Other translations call it having patience, but there is more to it than just patience. 
The word longsuffering in Webster’s original 1828 dictionary defines this action as “bearing injuries or provocation for a long time…” in the sense of being “not easily provoked.”  Ephesians 4:22-23 exclaims “that you must give up your old ways of life with all its bad habits.”  And to “Let the Spirit change your way of thinking.” (CEV) 
To me this is clearly saying that we now have a brand new set of rules and guidelines to follow!  Once these new rules and guidelines go into effect in our lives there should be no going back to the old ones! 
It reminds me of when I worked in management for Hewlett Packard.  We had the official “Rules and Guidelines” binder that directed the personnel decisions we needed to make.  Occasionally revisions would come out and we would be instructed to toss out the old pages and replace them with the new as the old ones were no longer to be followed.  We were all now accountable to the new standards.
Now this isn’t always easy, but the key according to Ephesians 4:2 is to realize and set your mind to the understanding that you are in this for the long-haul.  Begin to confess over yourself that you are not easily provoked.  That you are going to put up with whatever is said or done against you and continually walk in love KNOWING that God is not only pleased with you as you imitate Jesus (Ephesians 5:1-2), but that your agape response gives Him the freedom to work in the midst of the situation! (for the benefit of everyone involved)
I have had to remind myself on many occasions over the last few years that I am in this battle for my wife’s health and healing for the long run!  We will stand firm until we see the manifestation of what we KNOW to be His will for her.  No matter how long it takes, no matter what I hear that is negative to God’s Word on the subject, and no matter what others may say in opposition to what we believe is God’s direction for us.  I think that this demonstrates the definition of longsuffering!  I am doing my best to not be easily provoked when it looks like things are going backwards instead of forward or if the future seems a little foggy. 
Similar to the Pastor’s encouragement on Sunday, I strive to joyfully look past what my senses may be telling me and see that God’s plan for us does not end with whatever temporary boundaries are attempting to be set up around us today!  This truth allows each of us to stay strong and hopeful in the midst of the stresses of your daily life including any persecutions that may rise up against you.
So face life with your eyes wide open.  Be aware of what you’re up against but KNOW that your agape love when attended to with longsuffering, will see you through to enjoy another day!  So… have a good day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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