Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


As Fiver and I were taking our morning walk a few hours ago, I couldn’t help but contemplate my life and be THANKFUL for the way it turned out.  As we proceeded along our regular path, I was taken in by the presentation of the weather as we felt the wind blowing all around us, the mostly leafless trees swaying in cadence to the gusts, and the partially cloudy skies that seem to hold the promise of a storm later tonight and tomorrow.  The entire layout of the physical attributes of the day seemed to purposely draw me back to memories of my childhood during the fall and the warm, exciting and heartfelt memories of the holiday season.

I am THANKFUL for my upbringing in the midst of a large gregarious and outgoing extended Italian family.  Holidays meant many family gatherings with grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins… complete with lots of laughter and fun… and tables filled with huge platers of lovingly made rich Italian cuisine.

I am THANKFUL for the sweet, freckle-faced, petite, encouraging bundle of joy that I met during my high school years, with whom we set the course of our lives together for the next 48 years!  I am THANKFUL for the precious, wonder-filled and productive life we had while raising four children, ministering in various churches and living a life of faith where we had the pleasure of experiencing new adventures, visiting new places, casting forth vision and fulfilling dreams. 

And even though it ended prematurely with her sickness and passing… I can’t honestly think of much that I would have changed!  And even during the last eight years of her life when I took care of her 24/7… I am THANKFUL and honored that I had the opportunity to do what I had always enjoyed most during our time together, and that was to be with her, take care of her and dedicate every ounce of my energy, love and joy to her until the day she left us in September of 2018.

I think that I could sum-up my THANKFULNESS by repeating the words of the Psalmist in Psalms 7:17 when he wrote,

“I will give all my thanks to you, Lord, for you make everything right in the end. I will sing my highest praise to the God of the Highest Place!”  (God’s Word ©)

Through the years the Lord brought us and our family up to many of His High Places.  As I have pointed out before, we were in many ways, very different than the rest of our extended families.  We tended to see and live life through a different filter, per say, than they did and although not always in total agreement with some of the directions we took, they many times followed us to the destinations we sought to discover and to grow through.

I am THANKFUL that the Lord usually led us along the paths less taken by most people.  Piper and I always had a “Pioneering Spirit” about us and liked to explore new things and places.  I am THANKFUL that we came to the decision in the early years of our marriage to be active participants in the game of life as well… and more importantly… in our Christian faith.  We didn’t want to just read about the promises, miracles and adventures of faith written about in pages of our Bibles… we wanted to live it and see them actively occurring in our daily lives.  I am THANKFUL that we choose to take God at His Word and follow in child-like faith in agreement with the writer of the book of Hebrews, as he gave us the definition of the God-kind of faith saying,

NOW FAITH is the assurance of the things we are (actively) EXPECTING and convinces us of the existence of things (that we are standing in faith and believing for) that are not yet seen.”  (Hebrews 11:1 - KJV/God’s Word ©/personalized)

I admit that the last four years since Piper’s homegoing has been a struggle, but I am THANKFUL with the knowledge that the Lord is not yet done with me and the work that He has for me to accomplish on this earth.  The calling into the ministry that the Lord spoke to my heart while laying on a bunk in an old and drafty cabin in the snowy mountains near Lake Tahoe, CA in the mid-1970’s still burns with a passion in me today.

I can honestly say that every major decision that Piper and I made in life from that night on, was led by that clear call on my (our) life… and it is still calling to me today.  I do find that it is easy for me to feel lost without the presence of the one who spent the majority of my life at my side as I seek to know His direction… but I am also confident and THANKFUL in His leadings and plans for me.  That fire on the inside of me is still telling me that we’re not done yet… and as Piper and I always did before… I plan to stay in prayer and preparation for His perfect timing and plan and when the time is right, I will know it and follow Him!

What are the highlights in your life that you are THANKFUL for?  I would encourage each of you to spend some time in contemplation over your areas of THANKFULNESS, to jot them down and then share them with family and friends during this celebration of Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day tomorrow no matter how or with whom that you celebrate.  Stay in an attitude of THANKFULNESS and allow the GOODNESS of God to flow in you, for you and through you onto others… and enjoy a juicy turkey thigh for me!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this blog Jim. God bless 🙏🙏🙌🙌


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