Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, November 4, 2022

Safe Places

I was quickly scrolling through my Facebook feed at breakfast this morning and came upon a group post where members were leaving comments about the little neighborhood market that was right near the apartments where Piper and I first lived as newlyweds from 1975-1978.  We didn’t do our major grocery shopping there as they were a little on the pricey side, but still became regular guests using the friendly store as our “Go-To” place for snacks, incidentals and their copier located way back in a corner of the store… right under the large convex security mirror attached to the ceiling.

I’m not totally sure what it is… but from our home in California, to Oklahoma and then in North Carolina, Piper and I have always made friends with the employees of the stores that we frequented over the years.  And that little grocery named Lad’s, was no exception!  I can remember many times while standing alone at the copier, away from all the other customers when I would hear mine or Piper’s name come over the PA system as one of the cashiers would jokingly say something about us supposedly sneaking around in the back of the store!

I’ve told about the time that Piper and I literally ran down the street from our apartment one Saturday afternoon to grab a few snacks before an unexpected Roy Rogers movie came on TV.  We sort of blew into the store laughing pretty hard, went right to the snack’s aisle, grabbed a few items, practically tossed some cash to the cashier and ran back home within a matter of minutes.  I’m still not sure of who was laughing harder when we left… Piper and I or the two cashiers at the front counters!

I guess you could say that Lad’s was a “Safe-Place” for us.  When writing to his Christian readers, Paul told us in Colossians 2:13 that,

“You were once dead because of your failures and your uncircumcised corrupt nature. But God made you alive with Christ when He forgave all our failures.” (God’s Word ©) 

Wow!  Think about those two sentences for a moment.  What an earthshaking, life-changing statement that is, when we fully comprehend what was said.  As Christians, you and I have been forgiven… by God… of ALL our Failures!  Isn’t that FANTASTIC news?  But you know what I have discovered over the years… There are always going to be people that come into our lives that may not believe that fact to be true… either in their own lives… and worse yet… in yours!

But I have also come to realize, that their mistaken narratives do not have to move me or hold any place of precedence in my life… or in yours for that matter.  When discussing the wonderful attributes of God’s love in the 13th chapter of I Corinthians, Paul let it be known, in no uncertain terms, that God’s,

“Love is a SAFE PLACE of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes (or sees) failure as defeat, for it never gives up.” (I Corinthains 13:7 - TPT) 

So just as Piper and I could (and did) walk into Lad’s market after an especially difficult day at our perspective jobs, feeling a little beat up or on the other hand… literally run into the store laughing and joking… we always knew that the good folks in that store would except us for who we were and always help to bring us peace, a smile or a simple encouraging word… and visa-versa from us to them!

The Psalmist draws a vivid picture of this type of experience when he wrote that,

“God alone is my SAFE PLACE; his wrap-around presence always protects me. For he is my champion defender; there’s no risk of failure with God. So why would I let worry paralyze me, even when troubles multiply around me?” (Psalm 62:2 – TPT) 

There were a few times when I was taking care of Piper over the last eight years of her earthly existence, when I tangibly felt the wrap-around presence of the Lord about me.  When I sat huddled up on the floor, feeling like I was at the end of my rope and needing Him the most… He never let me down, He never gave up on me!  His love became a tangible touch and PLACE of SAFETY for me.  In the late of night, in that dark hallway, I repeatedly found my SAFE-PLACE of shelter.

I tell you that it was an incredible experience... but so real!  Almost un-describable, but yet so clear.  In those days back then, when people would rehearse what they considered to be my failures in life repeatedly before my kids, the SAFE-PLACE of His love and the truth of HIS total forgiveness of any past failures always over-rode any false narrative… because the truth of His Word and the power of His love will always prevail in my life… as well as in YOURS… EVERYTIME!

Think about it!  I might suggest that you take some time and meditate on the above verses so that the truth of His love will become the SAFE-PLACE in your life.  Have a terrific weekend, and as you do, keep EXPECTING God’s best in everything you do… and maybe catch a Roy Roger’s movie or two!

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