Have you ever looked back after completing a long and arduous task and thought, “How did I ever do that?” I have over the years! But I have also come to realize that both Piper and I held special abilities, giftings and talents to write, organize and run big productions! Be it a dinner for teachers in high school, a youth singing and comedy presentation, children’s plays and musical productions, original Vacation Bible Schools, church or family camping adventures, church dinners or even extended family dinners during the holidays, we loved to do them and relished the unique challenges of each and every event.
Then, when Piper got sick and needed
an advocate for all her needs, it was almost like God had used all those other
events as practice for the most important event in my life! By the time we got back home to Sana Rosa in
2009, we had established a plan and were proceeding with each step as we
believed that the Lord was leading us.
Psalm 37:24 tells us that,
steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord, and
God delights in every step they take to follow him.” (TPT)
We quickly discovered that it was very
important for us to follow in God’ footsteps rather than in the offbeat
suggestions of man. A life-long favorite
scripture of mine in Philippians 4:13 continues to encourage me today as I have
made it to be a personal confession of mine declaring that,
can do everything God asks me to do, with the help of Christ who gives
me the strength and power (along with the means and abilities
needed.)” (The Living Bible)
Looking back as Piper’s medical
condition began to be made known and grow worse from 2007 through 2018, as well
as with every other big project that the Lord set before us previous to those
years, I can clearly see the same pattern of God’s guiding hand in every step
of the process. To say that there were
new things to learn, figure out and perform along the way in each and every one
of those activities, would be putting it mildly! But God was ever faithful in giving me the
tools, information and assistance whenever the need arose.
In Ephesians 1:7-8 the Apostle Paul
tells us that the superabundance of God’s GRACE releases in us “all forms of wisdom and practical
understanding.” (TPT) The word “WISDOM” in the original
Greek refers to a “knowledge of very diverse matters – both human and divine
that is acquired by acuteness and experience and is summed up in maxims and
proverbs (ie; in God’s Word).”*
the Bible makes a pretty clear announcement that if God leads us into an
activity, event, job or special set of circumstances that we have not experienced
before… or may not have the right college degrees on our resumes…
can do EVERYTHING that God asks us to do, with the strength and power
and the means and abilities needed to succeed!” (TPT – personalized)
And as Piper said many times when
faced with a new opportunity like homeschooling (when everyone on both sides
of the family around us said that she was crazy)… “God said it and that’s
all that matters… and therefore it’s good enough for me!” And then she went
out and did it along with a bunch of research, a strong homeschooling support
group, a ton of self-sacrifice and personal effort and a set-in-cement attitude
that continuously said “I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me!” (KJV)
I am still amazed when I see God
putting things together for me when I endeavor to take on new responsibilities in
response to His requests and leadings! And
at times like these, I can’t help myself in telling others, as Psalm 89:1 declares,
stating that,
and old alike will hear about your faithful, steadfast love, Oh Lord —never
failing!” (TPT)
So next time the Lord taps you on the
shoulder and presents you with a new and never-been-done-before opportunity… JUST
SAY “YES Lord!”, put your trust into Him and the truth of His
Word and then stay open to and watch His ways
unfold before you!
I hope that you went and/or are
planning on going out today in order to exercise your right to VOTE… and along the way… have a great week and
keep EXPECTING God’s BEST in your life!
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