Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Expecting the Impossible!

I was talking with our youngest daughter on the phone from Oklahoma last night.  She was very excited as she is about two weeks away from the birth of their first child, a little girl whom they have named Sarah Piper!  We covered many different subjects during our conversation and at one point she shared how she was a little nervous about being a mom as she had never done that before.  I immediately countered explaining how she is very much like her Mom who never seemed to be afraid to conquer any task set before her.
JoAnna has already shown herself to be following in Piper’s footsteps for she has already set out and completed many activities that others would only talk about from beginning a small ballet school, writing and publishing her first novel and learning not only to ride but also own her own motorcycle!  I proceeded to tell JoAnna about a conversation that her Mom and I had on the previous day…
While Piper and I were walking around the neighborhood I began to think about and share with her how Papa God has always seemed to lead us in a different way or into new and in many respects, uncharted lands than the rest of our extended families.  I guess you could say that we have been pioneers in many areas of our lives!  I could easily see Piper and I on a covered wagon in the mid-1850’s trudging across the wilds of the great plains on our way west with excited EXPECTATIONS and visions of new lands and new adventures.
I think the only one in either of our immediate families that understood us and the passion that has driven us over the years was my Mom.  She never questioned our ideas and plans but stood by us with a smile and words of encouragement, offering to help us wherever and however she could… even when things may not have gone exactly as we thought they would!  Most other relatives usually met our adventurous ideas with a raised eyebrow or with words that betrayed their thoughts of what they considered to be our irresponsible behavior!
As we talked on our walk, I began to realize that the Lord was trying to encourage me that nothing had changed.  Sure our situation with Piper’s health is different, difficult and trying, but He still has plans for us and that we should be EXPECTING Him to lead us in the same unconventional ways that He has in the past!  Over the years He has repeatedly demonstrated to us that the impossible is possible with Him… as long as we keep our focus on Him and as Colossians 2:7 says and Ephesians 3:17 clarifies, that “ (His) love may be the ground which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation.” (God’s Word ©)
I get so excited when I watch JoAnna and her husband as they seek to experience their relationship, soon coming family and their future under the guidance and love of Papa God!  I firmly believe that they also will continue to experience the impossible possibilities of life that only their faith in Him and His love for them, their EXPECTATIONS of His best and a sensitive ear that stays in tune to His leadings… no matter how unconventional they may be… can give.
Psalm 5:2 caught my attention this morning as David implored the Lord exclaiming: “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you.” (NLT)  In modern vernacular I believe David was saying that when He thought of and came to the Lord in prayer, that he considered no one else or of nothing but Him and His ways and His answers.  In other words, David fully EXPECTED God to be His director, His comforter, and the only provider of the requests that he brought to Him each day.
Over the years my wife and I have come to the place where we have placed our EXPECTATIONS in the same ONE that David did.  I am also confident that our children are doing the same.  How about you?  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “In What or in Whom am I expecting to depend on today?”


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