Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, August 31, 2024


I had an interesting dream the other night that involved not only me, but both my Grandfather* and Piper.  When I later awoke and considered the dream, I thought it to be an interesting combination of characters.  My Grandpa passed a couple of years before Piper and I got married, but she did get to know him enough during our early dating years that she understood why he held such a special place in my life.

The dream itself did not have a lot of content or interaction and did not take place in a location that would have been familiar to any of us.  What did hold special significance to me though, was that it involved two of my favorite people.  In many respects they shared similar personalities.  They were both wise, loving, gentle and kind, but yet could do and say things that would surprise you and cause you to break out laughing.

They were also two individuals with whom I felt secure enough to share just about anything and know that it would be kept in the strictest of confidence.  My memories of both of them are filled with joy, peace, comfort and a true sense of excitement!  As a kid growing up, I can’t think of anyone that I would rather have spent time with than my Grandpa… well… that would be until I met Piper in high school!  But getting to introduce him to her was one of my greatest pleasures.

They had that unique kind of electrifying quality that caused me to feel like I could do just about anything in their presence.  When we would talk and dream about things, it seemed like the POSSIBILITIES were endless!  And as Piper and I matured in our dating relationship and through the years of our marriage, those endless POSSIBILITIES never seemed to cease. As we pursued our dreams and desires, we experienced countess exciting experiences and adventures together.

Piper will have passed to her heavenly reward six years ago this coming Labor Day.  Which is kind of special to me, as we began dating on the day after Labor Day in September of 1970!  But even with the passing of that time, there are still many vivid memories of experiences that we shared that physically “ZING” my body like a bolt of electricity hitting me… I mean… there have been times where I have had to grab onto something when the memory comes and it jolts me with great pleasure, like when we actually experienced the event!  It’s even happened a few times when I was grocery shopping and I’ve had to grab a shelf… thank God that I was usually alone in the aisle at the time!

Well… I got a jolt of that kind of electrical excitement this morning as I caught a glimpse of Paul’s meaning when he wrote in Colossians 1:21-23, declaring to us that,

“Even though you were once distant from Him, living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions, He reconnected you back to Himself. He released His supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of His own body as the sin-payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in His presence. And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for he sees you as HOLY, FLAWLESS, and RESTORED, if indeed you continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the EXPECTATION of the gospel you have believed in. And this is the glorious (good) news I preach all over the world.” (TPT) 

And what you may ask, is so electrifying about this passage of scripture?  Simply that there is NOW,

“nothing between you and Father God, for He sees you as HOLY, FLAWLESS and RESTORED!” 

Can you catch a glimpse of yourself like that?  God doesn’t see you as stuck, unsuccessful, sick, broken, incompetent, fearful, lazy, in financial need, angry or unforgiving toward someone who may have hurt you… But according to this verse (and others like it in your Bible) God loves you so much, that because of Jesus’ actions on the cross, He sees you TODAY, as being HOLY, FLAWLESS and fully RESTORED!

I mean… WOW!  And all that you and I have to do is to act within the manner in which God sees us and thereby continue to grow in our personal level of faith, by being assured of the firm foundation of God’s love** and NEVER allow ourselves to be shaken from the electrifying EXPECTATION*** that the Good News Gospel Message contains for you and me!

Do you remember a few weeks back when we talked about how Jesus taught us in Mark 12:30-31 to love God FIRST and then to love OURSELVESso that we could effectively love our NEIGHBORS?**** Well… This is one of the major components to loving YOURSELF.  When we see ourselves in the same way in which our Father in heaven sees us, and live our lives accordingly… whether we necessarily feel like it or not… we are on the wholesome and steady path to loving ourselves throughout the ups and downs of our daily lives… and thereby be more available to reach out and love those around us!

Now that I think about it… That dream the other morning reminded me of how confident both my Grandpa and my wife were.  They were… in a manner of speaking… comfortable and confident in their own skin!  In one respect, you could say, in our scriptural discussion, that they LOVED themselves in the knowledge of the way the Lord LOVED them.  They not only made me feel that I could do just about anything and see endless POSSIBILITIES when in their presence, but they made EVERYONE around them feel special and at home!

So… Let me ask you How do you see yourself?  Do you view yourself in the same way in which God does and thereby get an electrifying jolt or “ZING” when you think about the endless POSSIBILITIES that God says you have in His Word?

If not (or if so!) then you should spend as much time with the Father, who makes you to feel like you can do all things when you are near to Him… just like I did with my Grandpa and my sweet wife Piper!

Have a relaxing, fun and restorative Labor Day weekend… and watch out for (and enjoy) the unexpected “ZINGS” that may surprise you today!



*My Grandfather on my Mom’s side.  I never got to meet my Dad’s father as he passed before I was born.

**See Ephesians 3:17 (God’s Word © translation)

***See Hebrews 11:1 (God’s Word © translation)


Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Legal Representative

When Piper was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and the symptoms began to take affect over her normal communication, physical and mental abilities, I quickly realized that I would have to step up into the role her representative and in many cases, as the interpreter between her and the world in which we interacted with on a daily basis.

In California the role was pretty straight forward.  As her husband I had the right to stand in for her and make the medical, legal and overall care decisions for her.  But once we moved to North Carolina, things changed.  It quickly became apparent that I would have to seek legal assistance to procure the necessary legal authority to make the medical, financial and long-term care decisions in her stead. 

It took a while and many trips into Raleigh (depending on traffic, an average of about an hour away) to the lawyer’s office and the county courthouse, but once the process was complete, I had all the legal documents complied into a binder that empowered me with the authority to act as her legal representative for just about any situation.

As Piper’s legal representative, I felt it my responsibility to make accurate decisions that would meet her physical needs, agree with her strongly held moral and Christian beliefs and always represent the best of her in every and any situation.  And while it was a very time consuming and at times daunting responsibility… Piper wasn’t the only one with whom I acted as a representative for.

As Christians, you and I have the legal right and authority to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in everything we do and say on this earth!  James 2:8 tells us that,

“Our calling is to fulfill the ROYAL Law of LOVE as given to us in this Scripture: ‘You must love and value your neighbor as you love and value yourself!’ For keeping this law is the NOBLE way to live.” 

According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions, the word “fulfill” means “to finish or perform so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said, ordered or commanded.”

Therefore James, the half-brother of Jesus and leader of the church in Jerusalem, is telling us that we are called or directed by the scriptures to act as Christ’s representatives in our daily lives… by fulfilling the Royal Law of Love, because it is the NOBLE way to live.

James specifically uses the term ROYAL when defining this particular action of LOVE because it describes a law or New Testament directive that is “of the highest excellence, and is regal and/or belonging to a King, and can also describe a person (ie; you and me) who is attached to (or in our case… adopted into the family) of the King!” (Thayer’s/Mounce Greek Dictionaries)

So, as members of the ROYAL family of God, you and I have the legal right to live a life that is indicative of our ROYAL inheritance.  Some would say that it is also a moral and ethical calling to live our lives within such a high standard of excellence… A life that is representative of “the King of Kings.” (Revelation 17:14 & 19:16)

And just how do we accomplish this calling and its subsequent lifestyle?  Well… the answer is simple in theory… but maybe a little more difficult, but not impossible with Bible study, practice and consistency in our daily lives.  The Apostle Paul gives us the “CliffsNotes” Study Guide answer in Ephesians 5:1 where he writes,

“Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters.” (TPT) 

And once again, how do we accomplish this?  By finding out who the Bible says we are by learning all that the Father God has legally provided for us through Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and seating on the right hand of God in heaven.  Psalm 103:2 encourages us to,

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (KJV)

As a New Testament believer, all those “benefits” and the information concerning who we are in Christ are primarily explained to us in the Epistles.  For you see, the Epistles were written specifically to us, the church!   Then “as you read and study the Epistles (or letters of St Paul and the other disciples), look for all the expressions such as ‘in Christ,’ ‘in Him,’ ‘in whom,’ ‘through whom,’ etc.”*  And I would also encourage you to underline or highlight these verses in your Bible as an aid for future study purposes.

The more you and I know of our inheritance and what the Bible says about it, the easier it is to put those benefits into use in our lives… and the easier it is to live as a positive influence to those around us in our calling and/or positions as legal representatives of Christ!

Whenever I took Piper to a new doctor or to a new medical center for additional tests or to apply for various local, state or federal government benefits or even for health insurance, I always carried my white binder with all our legal documents that approved my acting as a representative of Piper… and you know? 

You and I also have the ability to carry all the legal documents that approve our position as a representative of Christ… within the covers of our Bibles!  Pretty cool wouldn’t you agree!  And today we have the convenience of carrying our Bibles (& even countless versions of the Bible) in the phone we carry in our pockets!  Makes it pretty easy doesn’t it!

Have a GREAT weekend.  Our weather is starting to heat up again and the storms are supposed to stay out of our immediate area for a while… So, I’m a happy camper and am EXPECTING good times ahead as I live my life as a representative of Christ… How About you?


*From the mini book “In Him” by Kenneth E. Hagin – Kenneth Hagin Ministries, P.O. Box 50126, Tulsa OK 74150-0126 / www.rhema.org

Sunday, August 18, 2024

What’s That Order Again?

I kind of found myself lost in my thoughts this morning as I cleaned up the kitchen counter after breakfast.  When I turned to the sink to rinse my sponge, I suddenly became aware of the folksy lyrics that Gloria Gather was singing/talking during a Gather Homecoming performance that was playing on the Sirius XM Southern Gospel channel.  

The song was called “Sunday Meeting Time” and reflected days gone by with picturesque memories of growing up in a little white country church, singing the old hymns at the Sunday morning service and spending time with that special friend during and after Youth Group meetings where “Kumbaya” was sung around a campfire. Then there were the “dates” at the many special events at the church, walking down the aisle on their wedding day and a while later, standing on the platform with that little bundle of joy as they dedicated their first child to the Lord.

After a few refrains of the chorus, I realized that I wasn’t just listening to the song but was re-living Piper’s and my youth and the early days of marriage at the Baptist church we attended.  But, while the church was an older, well-established congregation… it was far from a little white country church!  It had a large, well-appointed and modern sanctuary that sat on the corner of two busy streets, in the middle of some nice neighborhoods with a Junior High on one side and an elementary school on the other… So, no youth campfires after church… but we did sing “Kumbaya”… in fact, it was one of the first Christian songs I learned to play on my guitar!

Piper and I were highly involved in that church and at times it seemed like we lived there!  For a while we rented a townhouse right next to the church parking lot and walnut orchard in back, so that we could just walk back and forth from the church!  During our twelve years there, we were blessed with some very special mentors from which we gained Biblical training, wisdom and direction for life and ministry and especially the know-how and confidence to explore our dreams and convert them into successful ministry projects and events.

In many respects, those years were the foundational times that helped to establish my self-confidence and trust in the development of my personal talents and abilities.  In Biblical language… I guess you could say that it is where and when I began to LOVE myself!  BUT WAIT!  Before you begin to think of me as being self-conceited & braggadocios… Let me explain

In Mark 12:30-31, Jesus tells us to,

“LOVE the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you, and with all your strength.  This is the great and supreme commandment.  And the second is this: ‘You must LOVE your neighbor in the same way in which you LOVE yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.” (God’s Word ©/TPT)

While studying these verses over the last few weeks, I’ve begun to see a little different angle on something we are all taught as Christians… which is to LOVE God FIRST, to LOVE Your Neighbor or Others NEXT and Yourself LASTRIGHT?

WellMaybe NOT!  If you’ll notice when you read Jesus’ teaching, He does tell us to always put and LOVE the Father FIRSTbut then… when you read the next section a little slower, you’ll see that while He does tell us to LOVE our Neighbors… He puts a caveat or specific stipulation on that instruction by saying to LOVE them:


So… if I am reading this right, you and I can’t adequately LOVE our Neighbors* if we do not FIRSTLOVE ourselves.  In other words… it is hard to give something to someone else if you have nothing to give! 

And how does a Christian LOVE themselves?  By acting on the FIRST part of Jesus’ teaching… To LOVE the Lord your God with all of your HEART, SOUL, MIND and STRENGTH. For if you and I are daily growing in and experiencing our LOVE for the Lord with ever fiber of our being, we will continually grow in our knowledge, understanding and application of HIS LOVE to and for us and in return… seek to LOVE HIM in the same manner.

Therefore… once you know how special you are to the Lord, you’ll appreciate who you are and all that God has given you… and want to share that LOVE with the others around you.

This post has gotten a little long… so, I’ll share more in our next posts… but until then, I would encourage you to chew on all this information, study these verses in your own Bibles and let the Spirit of God speak to you about all of this!

Have a terrific weekend, be blessed and share a little bit of God’s LOVE with someone near to you today!



*Thayer’s Greek Definitions informs us that our NEIGHBORS (Strong’s word # G4139), are, according to Christ, any other man (or woman) irrespective of nation or religion with whom we live or whom we chance to meet.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Most Important Part...

I was intently studying the Word this morning, when Fiver slid up next to me between the desk and the windows in my study.  There was a golfer out on the greens that had caught his attention and he was closely observing his every move.

As I looked over to Fiver, I took note of how scruffy his coat looked and was instantly reminded of how much I used to enjoy my first view of Piper in the morning, when she would raise her head off of her pillow, sleepily blink her eyes and smile with her hair slightly askew and messy.  It was what I used to refer to as her ‘morning sleepy head look.’

So, with that thought in mind and a smile on my face, I quickly grabbed Fiver’s brush, that just happened to be on the file cabinet next to my desk, and began to gently brush his white and blue merle coat.  My actions took him by surprise and as he turned from the window, I simply told him that I was getting rid of his ‘morning sleepy head look’… which seemed to satisfy him and he turned his attention back to the golfer!

Memories of that look and the countless other sweet looks of Piper that I treasured though the years, were the vision of her that kept me going when the effects of Alzheimer’s began to devastate her beautiful features.  I learned early on in my daily care for her, that I had to look past what I saw happening on the outside and to concentrate on the real Piper on the inside… on her living, breathing and eternally healthy spirit.

And as if to highlight what I had just been thinking… I found myself turning in my Bible, as I continued my study on the connection between FAITH and LOVE,* to Jesus’ statement about the greatest commandment, as found in Mark 12:29-31.  When asked by a Scribe what the greatest commandment was, Jesus replied,

"The most important is, 'Listen, Israel, (and every Christian today) the Lord our God is the only Lord.  So, you are to LOVE the Lord Yahweh, your God, with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you, and with all your strength. This is the great and supreme commandment.   And the second is this: ‘You must LOVE your neighbor in the same way you LOVE yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.” (God’s Word ©/TPT)

There were two points that immediately jumped out to me as I read Jesus’ words this morning.  First off was His confirmation that LOVE is the greatest commandment and force in our FAITH walk.  In fact, Paul tells us in Romans 13 that all the Ten Commandments are summed up in our Godly actions of LOVE.  And we’ve also learned in Galatians 5:6 that one cannot have FAITH without LOVE* where Paul taught that,

“As far as our relationship to Christ Jesus is concerned… what matters is a faith that expresses itself (or worketh) through love.” (God’s Word ©/KJV)

The second outstanding feature of this verse was where Jesus explains the four areas of our lives in which we are to LOVE the Lord our God, and in particular, as The Passion Translation puts it, to LOVE the Lord “with all the energy of your being!”  The other three areas in which we are to LOVE the Lord is with are our HEARTS, our MINDS and our STRENGTH.

Most versions state what The Passion Translation explains as our “BEINGS” as the more readily understood definition of our “SOULS.”  But I actually think that the idea of our “BEINGS” over the standard idea of our “SOULS” better expresses Jesus’ intent and meaning of His teaching.

Thayer’s Greek Definitions tells us that the original Greek meaning of the term “SOUL” that Jesus used, defines, “the vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing; the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions; and the soul as an essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body)”

You see… when we… through the LOVE of God** accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, our spirit… the REAL us on the inside… is Born-Again with an incorruptible seed through the Word of God that cannot be destroyed!*** 

Therefore, the scriptures make it pretty clear… that our spirits are the most important part of us!

So… it makes perfect sense to me… that I spend more time and exert more effort in building up my spirit… than any other part of me!  Wouldn’t you agree?

And you can see why Jesus’ exciting and encouraging words really strike a chord within me and makes me want to,

“LOVE the Lord Yahweh, my God… with all the energy of my (entire) being!”

What About You?  Don’t you want to live a life that is totally exhilarated with the energy of His LOVE in everything you DO, SAY and THINK?

Which part of you plays the most important role in your daily life?

Have a great weekend as you ponder today’s blog post!  We’re getting some much-enjoyed cooler and almost fall like weather today and tomorrow… along with a little rain… which my lawn sorely desires!  The cooler weather makes it a little easier for me to exert the energy it takes to LOVE the Lord our God with all the energy of my (entire) being!”

Until next time…


*https://pjberruto.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-relation-between-love-and-faith.html - https://pjberruto.blogspot.com/2024/08/badge-of-honor.html

**See: John 3:16

***See: I Peter 1:23 – in other words… our Born-Again spirit on the inside of us… is the only part of us that is eternal and will live forever!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Badge of Honor

My house out here in northeastern Oklahoma is built upon a concrete slab.  Every other house that I have ever lived in, both in California and North Carolina, was set on a raised foundation with a crawl space.  Due to the slope of the property, there were portions under our house in North Carolina where I could easily walk with just a slight bend in my back!  In fact, that house had the water heater under the house, which was something that I had never seen before.

I’ve kind of grown fond of the solid aspects of the concrete slab though… especially because I do not have to crawl under the house looking for plumbing leaks, drainage problems, checking out strange noises that could lead to only God knows what is living under there and having to put on my grubbiest clothes before I attempt a journey into the dark, creepy unknown.

I also like the symbolism that the solid concrete foundation exemplifies… mainly that it ain’t going anywhere no matter just about anything that comes against it!  We had a pretty active tornado season this past spring and there were many newscasts vividly documenting the damage inflicted in the areas around Oklahoma where the tornados touched down.  As the cameras scrolled down the affected neighborhoods, the damage was evident with roofs missing, parts of houses torn apart and, in many cases, houses or barns totally gone… EXCEPT… for their concrete foundations!

As I read about the pivotal place that our personal FAITH holds in our daily Christian walk in scriptures like Galatians 5:6 where the Apostle Paul taught us saying,

“For in my union with Christ Jesus, there is no outward performance or ritual that can produce the vital transformation*, for you see, all that matters is my FAITH that is activated and engaged, and expressed and working through LOVE.” (Williams/AMP)

I can’t help but think about the solid, unmovable, steadfast and faithful foundation that God’s LOVE gives to you and me in our daily lives.  Awful things, false accusations, sickness, lack and desertions by people close to us may come up like a spring thunderstorm that spools up a tornado and rips parts of our life apart… but the solid foundation of God’s gracious, unconditional LOVE for you and me is NEVER moved from under us.

And it is our deeply personal knowing of God’s intimate LOVE for each of us … and our ever-increasing intimate and personal LOVE for Him that gives us that solid foundation from which we can build our FAITH and live our lives in the victory that He desires for us to have.**

Without that solid foundation of God’s LOVE, we have no foundation or building blocks for us to grow and establish our FAITH on.  Without His foundation of LOVE, we open the doors of our hearts, thoughts and actions to doubt, fear and unbelief.

Philippians 4:6 tells us to,

“Never worry about anything.”

But when I share that with people, many times their first response is that “I can’t do that!  That’s just who I am.  I’m a worrywart!”

It is almost like it is a Badge of Honor that they mistakenly wear on their chest!  For many… worry and anxiety is so embedded in our families or in our society that it is the accepted norm… in fact, if you DON’T worry… people will think that there is something wrong with you, and/or that you don’t care for or have enough sense to take the situation seriously. (I’ve had people accuse me of this!).  Philippians 4:6 continues saying,

“But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.” (God’s Word ©) 

I’ve heard it taught from many a pulpit that people who think that they HAVE to worry and can’t help themselves… are in reality… saying that their problem, their situation and their personal ability to worry about it, is BIGGER and in fact… MORE IMPORTANT and STRONGER than God! 

Hummmm… that always gets me to thinking about re-arranging my “stinkin’ thinkin’” What do you think?

But GodThank God… always gives us an attached blessing, benefit or reward for our obedience to Him and His Word.  The next verse explains what is in store for us when we stand strong and choose to do what He is telling us to do (because we know that He LOVES us and we LOVE Him) and purposely put our (formally) normal response of worry aside and trust in Him (and begin to establish our new response to the activities of life).  He proclaims over us (I think with a smile on His face),

“Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.” 

And that’s not all… He then tells us how to hold on to that peace throughout the entire ordeal that set you off in the first place by instructing us stating,

“ Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.  Practice what you've learned and received from me (as well as from other Christians, Pastors and teachers), what you heard and saw me do. Then the God who gives this peace will be with you.” (verses 8-9 – God’s Word ©)

So there you go!  God not only tells us WHO to trust in for ALL the daily activities of our lives and HOW to do it, but also explains How to KEEP IT and enjoy the resulting PEACE, that only serves to amplify the solid foundation of LOVE that He undergirds our lives of FAITH with!

So… all in all… it only makes sense that the more we grow in our personal and intimate knowledge of how much God loves us… the more we are able to let go of worry and anxiety and let God show Himself to be… the one and only source in the universe that is bigger and strongerwithin the solid foundation of His LOVE… to overcome anything and anyone who would be foolish enough to come against you and His LOVE for you!

And that my dear readers… is just the way I like it to be!  Wouldn’t you agree?

Have a great weekend… and if your weather is anything like ours today… find a place in the shade and enjoy the beauty of His creation all around you!


*Galatians 5:1 / Romans 12:2

**See Ephesians 3:16-21, I Corinthians 15:57 and 2 Corinthians 2:14