Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, June 22, 2024

How Much More!

I was looking this morning, at the results of a vacation photo contest as commissioned by our regional AAA magazine and was struck with the reality of what a beautiful world the Lord created for us to enjoy.  Two of the winning entries that caught my attention were of a monastery sitting high above the clouds on the top of a mountain in Greece and a breath-taking panorama of the Colorado River flowing through the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in the state of Arizona.

The beauty of those pictures caused me to catch a wave of sentimentality, as I began to think about some of the awe-inspiring natural locations that I have had the pleasure to witness, as well as some of the awe-inspiring events in my personal life that I have experienced over the years.  And as those pictures and events flashed across my mind, I was quickly brought back to the portion of scripture that I have been studying for the latter half of this week.

In this section of the Biblical book of Romans, the Apostle Paul was talking about both the “benefits” and the “applicability” of righteousness.  In Romans 5:17 he declared,

“For if by one man's offence (ie; Adam) death reigned by one; much more* they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” (KJV)

It was the contrast between the effects of Adam’s sin compared to the effects of God’s “abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness” that interacted with my memories of the beautiful places and life situations that I have found myself enjoying throughout my lifetime.

I have found myself totally speechless and at awe as I stood at the top of a 7,447 foot mountain peak in the northern Sierra Nevada mountains of California and could see nothing but additional mountains, thick with beautiful pines to the west and the endless view of the not so distant desert of Nevada to the east. 

And I have also stood at a window on the top floor of a rustic vacation home on the coast of northern California with one hand holding the cable release of my camera, which was mounted on a tripod and the other holding the hand of my young fiancĂ©… as we stared, silently mesmerized by the deep dark of the night, while the canopy of stars reflected off the shimmering beauty of the Pacific ocean before us… and only be able to think… “how much more”* can those of us who have received the abundance of His Grace be reminded of Him, while being blessed in the midst of His beautiful creation that surrounds us every day of our lives?

You know… I often time find myself being bored and thank-less with the flat landscape that makes up most of Oklahoma… but when I do STOP… and begin to thank the Lord for where He has placed me in this current time of my life… I suddenly begin to see and appreciate the beauty (albeit different than what I am used to) of the land around me.  They don’t call this area of the state “Green Country” for nothing. 

When I take the time to not complain, but instead to be thankful for where I am… I can see and ENJOY the green lawns and fields, the beautiful trees and the abundance of creeks and lakes that populate the area… as well as the friendly and helpful folks that I am blessed to call my neighbors!

It would seem that we can be BLESSED just about anywhere the Lord sets us… all we have to do is to look for it, EXPECT it and then allow ourselves to be a part of God’s “HOW MUCH MORE” that He wants to present to the world!

I like that idea… HOW ABOUT YOU?

I made up my mind after all the rain we had this spring, that I was NOT going to complain about the summer heat that is now beginning to settle in amongst us… so here we sit at 96 degrees, with a fair amount of humidity… but I am happy and thankful and available to become a vital and active part of the “HOW MUCH MORE” that God wants spread throughout my city!

What do you think… How ‘bouts joining me where you live today?


*Many of the modern translations bring out the deeper intent of the question Paul asks by adding “how” to the “much more they which receive abundance of grace…”

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