Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thrilling Thursdays!

Happy Thursday everyone!  I’m not sure if I ever shared this before, but for years, Thursday had been one of my most favorite days of the week.  Let me explain… in most people’s eyes, Thursday is a good day because it signals, for those working the traditional Monday through Friday work schedule, that the work week is almost over, that Friday is next and then the weekend!

But for me, who normally worked a regular 40 hour (+) job and as a minister, worked in-between and on weekends… well, let’s just say that my schedule was a little unique!  No matter what shift or schedule I worked in the various secular jobs I held over the years, I normally spent my Friday lunch times and a good portion of my Saturdays at home preparing for our Sunday morning Children’s Church service.  Then on Sunday’s it was “Go-Time” at church, preparing for the Children’s Church activities, conducting an action-packed 2 hour service and then cleaning up, which all together took from early morning until 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon when we would return home, have lunch and usually take a well-deserved hour or two nap! 

Then back at my secular job at the beginning of the week, you would regularly find me spending my lunch hours on Monday’s and Tuesdays, with some time after work in my study at home, preparing for our mid-week Youth or Children’s services on Wednesday evenings at the church.  When I worked Swing-Shift, I would tend to take an extended lunch on Wednesdays in order to lead those services at the church and then return to the secular job and work late that night to make up for the time away. 

What can I say… the ministry call was a labor of love and I never thought too much about the extra effort that I needed to fulfill those responsibilities.  Although when we moved to Oklahoma to attend Bible College, I did notice that the regular migraines that I used to get for many years, suddenly went away…

But Thursdays…. Well on Thursdays, I could relax and not think (too much) about the next class or service that we would be leading at the church.  It was the one day a week that I took off from thinking, planning and/or praying about our church duties (most of the time…)!  For me, there was a most noticeable lift and feel of relaxation from the moment I got up on Thursday mornings.  I still went to work at my secular job, but I definitely felt a sense of vacation and release from my ministry position.  And you know… even though I have been somewhat retired for a few years now… I still feel more of that sense of freedom and relaxation on Thursday’s than on any other day of the week!  So, again I’ll say: “Happy Thursday Everyone!” 

I was reading from Psalm 119:162 once again this morning and couldn’t help but see a few glaring points in this verse where the Psalmist writes, Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure.  (The Passion Translation) 

I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of God’s promises being the source of my bubbling joy.  But while I would consider myself to be a somewhat joyful individual… I am not too sure that I would claim to have “bubbling joy”  Although, without a moment’s hesitation, agree to that description being designated to Piper!  If you knew her… then I bet that you would agree that she tended to have an infectious joy that could make the toughest of sceptics break into a smile within a few moments of being in her presence!  And the source of her joy was definitely based in her relationship, knowledge and love of God and the truth of His Word.  She wouldn’t even have to say a word… you just felt it radiating from her bright, laughing eyes, her big smile and her happy disposition!

I would say though, that for me and many others that I know, that the hearing, study and practice of the principles of God’s Word most definitely thrills us.  As I’ve stated on many occasions, my mornings would not be complete without a good cup of coffee and the study of God’s Word… with the caffeine in the coffee acting as a stimulant to my body and God’s Word acting as a stimulant to my daily life and the foundation of who I am in this world.   How about you?  In what tangible ways does the hearing, study and practice of God’s Word thrill you and make an impact in your daily life?

The part of this verse that really caught my attention today, was the last part of it where the writer likens the thrill of God’s Word to the one who discovers hidden treasures.  As I thought about this section, it dawned on me that in order to discover hidden treasures… one has to be looking and/or searching for them!  I realized that every morning when I pick up my Bible… or turn on my Bible study program on my computer… that I am EXPECTING to hear from the Lord… that I am fully expecting to hear His voice and have a fresh revelation for that particular new day!

You see, since John 1:1 tells us that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” (KJV) I approach my daily Bible study with the understanding that I am coming into the very presence of the Lord and will be conversing directing with Him… through the pages of my Bible!   And like any good explorer, when I search for the treasures in God’s Word, I do my homework and come equipped with the right supplies, which for me includes various translations of the Bible, a good concordance, different Bible commentaries that I am familiar with and trust, as well as with a long history and collection of personal preaching notes and other supporting materials like study books, DVD’s and CD’s of many other Biblical teachers that I trust and honor as generals in the faith!

So therefore, in order to be THRILLED by the Word of God, and have the BUBBLNG JOY that comes from being in His Presence through His Word, while you search for and find the wonders and riches of His HIDDEN TREASURES… you need to have commitment to Him and His Word and then take the time necessary to work diligently in your personal training and discoveries of His life-changing principles for your life!

And let me tell you… that it is worth all the effort and that the results are definitely THRILLING!

Have a great rest of the week… enjoy your Thursday and keep EXPECTING God’s best throughout it all!



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