Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, May 15, 2020

Wisdom & Understanding

I got up earlier than my usual early morning trek into the backyard with the dog today, in order to get out and back in before the heaven’s opened up and the predicted severe weather hit with a vengeance.  I must say that we timed it pretty good, although I was a bit surprised how fast it came upon us.  When we slipped out back there were a few clouds in the sky and I could see the moon and some stars.  I found myself thinking that we probably could have waited longer, but within a half hour, the deluge of rain came down and the thunder was roaring… and Fiver WAS NOT a happy camper… in fact he’s still not.  He is currently sitting at my feet under my desk!

When we came back in a little after 5:00 AM, I sat on the bed and opened the Bible sitting next to me (in Piper’s usual spot – you know, I did it again last night and turned over after waking up from a dream and fully expected her to be there before I came to my senses…), and turned it to Proverbs 3:5 and stated aloud that, “I trust in the Lord completely, and I do not rely on my own opinions. But, with all my heart I continually rely on Him to guide me, for I know that He will always lead me in every decision I need to make.” (The Passion Translation-personalized)

And then without missing a beat, I burst out laughing and said before I knew what I was doing… “And I thank God that I don’t have to rely on my own understanding or personal opinion on anything!”  Then I paused for a moment, thought on God’s grace and continued, “For God says that He pours out His kindness and grace by giving us every kind of wisdom and insight… of wisdom and practical understanding, when He revealed the mystery of His plan to us that He decided to do through Christ.” (Ephesians 1:8-9 The Passion Translation & God’s Word ©)

I have come to realize through all the twists and turns in my life, that I really DO depend on Godly wisdom for the daily decisions I need to make… no matter how big or how small they are.  And I would have to confess that I first learned of this habit through my wife in the early days of our marriage.  When it came to receiving and exercising the grace of God with wisdom and practical understanding, my wife was second to none.

I noticed last night while preparing dinner and watching the news, that something went off inside me when they played a couple of video clips of two different Democratic Governors.  In the clips, they were making public comments concerning the large groups of individuals in their states who were protesting against their very strict orders to not open up the commerce in their states and enforcing stiff penalties that the protestors felt threatened their constitutional liberties.   The thing that triggered my reaction was the speakers repeated use of the word “science.” When I thought about it, I realized that they spoke of the field of science like it was a god.

Then as I did this morning, I had to sigh with relief and thanksgiving that, as a Christian, I don’t have to strictly depend on man’s (or women’s) study within the various fields of science for the final decisions that I base the actions of my life on.  I know that there are those in the world who would think of me as being simple minded when I declare my trust, my allegiance and my decision-making processes to be well-founded on the wisdom and practical understanding that the Lord gives to me when I do my homework, research the evidence presented through the study of science, add God’s opinion to it and go with how His peace then leads me. (See also: Philippians 4:6-7)

I still find myself at awe whenever I think of all the wisdom and practical understanding that God gave to me through His grace, when I cared for my wife during the last years of her life.  There were day’s when my head was literally spinning from all the responsibilities on my plate (like the time I drove off from the gas station BEFORE removing the nozzle from my gas tank… Whew!  The attendant was NOT happy with me!), but His grace NEVER waned and I found myself doing all kinds of things that I never thought I would ever find myself doing, as well as many tasks that I had NO IDEA how to do!  I can’t tell you how many nights I went to bed exhausted and sore, only to wake up the next day feeling strong, rested and ready to go.  Isn’t God good!

So, as I look out my large study window and gaze upon the brighter skies with the temporary break in the rain, I can only smile, rejoice and be thankful for the grace that God gives to me… and EVERY Christian… that comes with the added benefits of wisdom and practical understanding to help guide us through all the decisions that we need to make in our daily lives.  Who of you are ready to give Him a CHEER of thanksgiving!  Hip, Hip Hooray!  (Okay… maybe not real spiritual… but you get my point!)

Have a blessed weekend and remember to add His Grace-filled wisdom and understanding whenever you need it in your life!

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