Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, June 4, 2012

What Do I Do?

I took some time this weekend to review my reactions to the experience with my wife’s downturn last week.  (See:  “Confirmation” 6/1/12)  Through the multiple explanations of the event to our various children, I realized that I did not handle the situation with the same level of confidence that normally overshadows me when faced with an emergency situation. 

What changed?  What caused me to feel almost lost and without hope at the peek of the negative symptoms that my wife was demonstrating?  At one point early in the day, I even fell to my knees before my wife, looked up into her far-away eyes, pale drawn face, and unsteady frame and cried out “Lord, I don’t know what to do… What do I do?”  Like I said, this was very unusual for me.  I am not sure why, but I have always been calm in tense or emergency situations.  Usually I find myself entering into a state where it is almost like I am removed from the situation and am able to stay one step ahead of what is unfolding before me.  Definitely not so on Thursday!  That day really shook me and took its toll physically and emotionally.  I was never so glad as to see my son walk through our front door late that afternoon. I cannot explain how good and much needed his physical support was to me for the few hours that he was here.

Yesterday as I sought the Lord and looked at it from different points of view, the answer finally dawned on me.  The problem wasn’t as much a lack of faith, as it was a lack of rest and an abundance of stress!  The weak spot was not in the spiritual realm, but in the physical and emotional domains!  While I have been quick and consistent to keep a level and even increasing measure of the Word before us, I have not been as quick to take care of the natural side of life.

We had reinstated our daily walks around the lovely lake in our neighborhood, but regular sleep and the importance of allowing the peace of the Lord to transcend the added distress of my parent’s recent move went seemingly unnoticed.  I say seemingly because while I did feel increased pressure and concern, I didn’t realize the extent of it on me and definitely not on my wife.  Our doctor agreed that the intensity of her recent problem was most likely inflamed due to the emotional distress that she was picking up from me.

When the test came, my mind and body yielded to its physical weakening and it just became real easy to yield to the emotions of the moment rather than to overcome them and step into my place of spiritual authority over the situation.  This is not to say that God didn’t assist me through the day.  After falling to my knees before my wife and crying out to the Lord, I did sense an immediate measure of peace and began to receive directions as to the care for my wife at that time.  But, I have to admit, getting to that place was not fun, nor was it easy – in fact, I’m still working through it!

So what’s my point?  It goes back to something that I talked about last week, taking care of the whole man – spirit, soul and body.  I have come to know this first hand!  You can be filled to overflowing with the Word of God, but if your body and emotions are worn down, it is very difficult to be strong in your stand of faith when the unexpected trials of life suddenly appear.  To be successful, one needs not only to make a commitment to God, but also to oneself!  Taking adequate care of your physical and emotional sides is just as important to you and the others that you minister to around you, as is fulfilling your spiritual needs.

We’ll probably touch on this subject a little more this week.  But suffice to say. Have a great day, take a great walk, enjoy some healthy meals and turn off the TV an hour earlier tonight!  Remember, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”  (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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