Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Technology

Don’t you just love the benefits of modern technology?  I had to laugh this morning as I looked across my desk in the midst of my study time and realized that I was studying concurrently from two different Bibles, a Bible app on my cell phone and from my computer Bible Study program!  It is amazing to me to see how far technology has brought us.  I am always at awe as to how I can talk face to face with any of our kids, no matter where they may be across the USA!

I was talking to my newest son-in-law a few weeks ago about the ability to see some footage of our daughter playing keyboard with the youth band at their church.  Without any hesitation Jeremiah asked if I wanted a live feed or a recording!  And even though we were not able to attend my son’s graduation in Oklahoma last May, I was still able to not only watch it live, but also converse with my daughter about the unfolding events as she captured them through the camera on her iPhone!

Sometimes I will get a little annoyed when I talk with some people who refuse to embrace the new technology available to us today.  I can understand those in my parent’s generation, but yet I was always encouraged by senior customers I served while working in the retail business who enjoyed the far reaching use of the world wide web.  There is probably a whole range of reasons why some folks refuse to use the tools that modern technology offers, but I think that a lot of it has to do with our perspective.  For some technology is viewed as a good thing, while for others it is seen as a negative, something different.  It is the attitude of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

It seems that this is the way that many people view their daily lives.  They will tend to see the new opportunities and situations that arise as potential problems instead as experiences that can add a positive twist or adventure to their lives.  To me it would be like the old glass half full or half empty adage.  It all depends on your point of view or perspective.

While speaking in reference to the act of Christian baptism, the Apostle Paul makes the comment in Romans 6:5: “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.”  (KJV)  John Gill makes the observation of this statement by saying that Christians “are and shall be so influenced by His Spirit and grace, which has raised them from death to life, that they shall walk in newness of life.”  To my way of thinking this means that everyday should be celebrated as a fresh start or a new beginning.

Is that the way you view life?  Do you panic at the first sight of change, or do you take a deep breath, smile and then allow the peace of God to guide you through the exciting times ahead?  I think that is what was meant by walking in the “newness of life!”  As Christians we should take God’s point of view on the different situations we face.  1 Corinthians 2:16 goes as far as to say that we have the “mind of Christ.” (KIV)  That would indicate that we should be able to reason things through under the guiding influence of God’s perspective and with His “power, love and a sound mind.”  (2 Timothy 1:7 – KJV)

Kinda cool huh?  And I think that is exactly how He wants us to be… cool in the midst of all the heat that confronts us!  You know… speaking of heat, it is supposed to get fairly hot around here in the next few days.  I’d better go out and get some fresh batteries for my hand held fan so that I will be comfortable as I sit out on the patio checking my facebook account on my iPhone while I listen to satellite radio…  Have a super day, stay in tune to His word and keep asking yourself… “What New Things am I expecting today?”

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