Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, May 6, 2023

No Clue!

Have you ever been in a position where you were with a group of people and someone suddenly said something that was totally inappropriate… and from the look on their face… it was obvious that they had NO CLUE as to what they had just said… or to the negative response that it may have elicited from individuals in the group? 

Well, I have and was reminded of more than a few of those occasions when I was sipping from a hot cup of coffee this morning and studying my Bible.  James 1:8 succinctly informs us that,

“A double minded man (or woman) is unstable in all their ways.” (KJV) 

The times that made the biggest impression on me was when the individuals making the seemingly naïve statements had a good knowledge of the Word of God, but yet seemed to set their faith aside in difficult times of stress and/or trouble… which to me… is the precise time that you should want to depend on your faith and be aware of and responsible for the words you speak and the actions you take… RIGHT?

At times like these, I am always reminded of a very familiar scripture that tells us that,

“Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose.”                                (Proverbs 18:21 - The Message)

As I studied from James earlier today, I clicked over to the digital copy of the Remedy Bible that I recently downloaded to my Bible Study program* and sighed an “AH!” of understanding when I read a more descriptive paraphrase of verses seven and eight that further explained that,

“Those consumed by fear will not think they can receive anything from the Lord: they are unstable, controlled by emotions, and can’t make up their minds about anything.” 

This greater exposition of the verse immediately helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the various feelings I’d felt… which ranged from mouth open surprise, to laughter, consternation and just plain anger… when inappropriate - with NO CLUE comments, were made in the midst of the difficult times of Piper’s sickness.

Now, as I look back at the lessons learned through the battles and victories of difficult times in this life, I aim to use these as another positive layer for the foundation of my current and future life.  It has made me even more alert and aware of the encroachment of fear upon my life, and of the importance of walking in what I John 4:18 calls God’s “perfect love” in and through me which “casts out fear.” (EMTV)

I Corinthians 13:6 tell us that, “Love joyfully celebrates (God’s) truth and finds no delight in what is wrong…” (TPT) 

You see… as I take the personal responsibility to stay focused on celebrating God’s truth in my life, I will be less susceptible to falling into frustration and/or anger and the lingering effect of hurt feelings, when inappropriate words are sent my way… and even more importantly… take the time to assure that my thoughts, my actions and my words are full of God’s love and thereby appropriate in the midst of any situation.

So, if you’re anything like me… then you don’t want to be known as one of those “unstable” individuals who unknowingly allow their emotions to control the way in which they respond to the situations of life.  I’d rather be the one that takes a moment to think about and consider the words they speak and/or the way they respond when life throws a lemon their way!  I want to radiate the sweet fragrance of God’s love everywhere I go…

How about YOU?

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend!  We are supposed to get into the low 90’s today… it’s looking more and more like spring in northeastern Oklahoma!  What’s it like where you live?  Whatever it is, I pray that you are celebrating God’s love and God’s truth in your life, and as you do… are EXPECTING God’s BEST in everything you do and say!



*E-Sword - https://e-sword.net/downloads.html

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