Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, March 28, 2022

The TRUTH of Happiness

When I began to date my future wife back in High School, I was slowly introduced to a whole new way of thinking about life.  The more time I spent in her presence and witnessed the way in which she responded to everyday situations, the more I could see that she was different than anybody else I’d ever gotten some-what close to in my young life. 

Don’t get me wrong, in most respects, she was a typical fun-loving teenage girl who was very enthusiastic and clearly dare-devilish when it came to a good challenge… but in her Christian walk… she was very mature, full of wisdom and very sensitive – both physically and spiritually - to the needs of those around her.  She had the uncanny ability to know the best way to approach another’s need, when to say something, when to keep quiet and simply pray over the situation, and/or when to be a good friend and simply stand by… ready to assist in any way possible.

Many of her close friends at her church were individuals who regularly came to her for counsel, encouragement and her non-judgmental friendship.  I remember a time while at a College-Career weekend snow camp when one of her friends standing next to her, had an epileptic seizure.  This gal was pretty big compared to Piper’s petite 5’2-1/2” frame and as she began to convulse, Piper gently took her friend’s hand, held it and spoke softly to her… while almost everyone else either stood around wide-eyed or backed away.  Then when the seizure was over, Piper sat down with her and talked with her while her friend rested.

In my last post I talked about I Corinthians 13:11 where Paul taught us through a personal example saying,

“When I was a child, I spoke about childish matters, for I saw things like a child and reasoned like a child. But the day came when I matured, and I set aside my childish ways.”  (TPT)

For Piper… the day when she matured in her Christian faith, came early in her life, and as I got to know her, I could clearly see that it was a very calculated, distinct and purposeful decision that she had made all on her own.  I think that is why she could get along and be respected as a peer with any age group in the church, from friends in our generation to the senior members.

Like I mentioned above, Piper was an enthusiastic and happy person.  It was hard to be around her for long and not find yourself with a smile on your face!  But Piper was happiest when she heard of and saw the TRUTH of God and His Word in manifestation around her… in me, her family and friends and in those she interacted with throughout her day.  To me it was a representation of her deep LOVE for God and of the way that she KNEW that God loved her as well as her fellow man (or woman).

Paul also mentioned this in I Corinthians 13:6 when he declared,

“(Love) isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the truth.”                                                                                                                                      (God’s Word ©) 

In some translations the word “TRUTH” in this verse is capitalized, highlighting the fact that the Apostle Paul was talking about the TRUTH of God and His Word.  Thayer’s Greek Definitions tells us that the use of the word TRUTH here speaks of “what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties of man, moral and religious truth.”  The Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary says that it defines a “practice in accordance with Gospel truth.”

Now I may be a little prejudice, but Piper was the most loving person that I have ever known up to this point in my life.  But what made her extra special, was that her actions of LOVE were totally empowered through her intimate knowledge of the LOVE of God for her and for the others in her life.  I mean… how else could she put up with my antics for 48 years!  (I’m somewhat joking here… but… maybe not?  Then again… anything I threw out at her in jest – and LOVE… she threw back and more to me… we had a great run together - PTL!)

So… Have you ever thought about it in that way?  That the greatest happiness we can know and experience is when the TRUTH of God and His Word is manifested in our lives, as well as in the lives of those around us… Does that make sense to you?  It did to Paul!

We’ll talk more about this thought in coming blog posts… but until then, I suggest that we all do an inventory on our lives… on our definitions and expectations of TRUE HAPPINESS and of how it aligns with the TRUTH of God and His Word.

Have a terrific week, and as you do… Keep EXPECTING God’s best in your lives as you share His LOVE with those around you!

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