Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, September 14, 2020


Consistency [ kuhn-sis-tuhn-see ]

·       steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:   (Dictionary.com)


I’ve oftentimes looked back on Piper’s and my 48 years together and noticed that we always seemed to be drawn to people in the churches we attended who… shall we say, were a little different from the others and/or those who looked like they might need some tender loving care.  In actuality, it also happened in the secular jobs we held, in the stores we frequented and most definitely in the various neighborhoods that we lived in, while in California, as well as those in Oklahoma and North Carolina!  We always felt that our main ministry was to the young in Christ and to those who were hungering for a better way in life.

I think the one overriding commonality amongst all that we ministered to was a lack of CONSISTENENCY.  Life to many of these individuals seemed to be a big roller-coaster ride filled with twists and turns and ups and downs.  I can’t tell you how many times we saw these folks in the church get all excited about the things of God, come up to the alter (or platform) at church, rededicate their lives to the Lord, and then within a few months, be noticeably absent, once again, from the fellowship… only to return after many phone calls and personal ministry… broken in Spirit and wanting to start over again.

We experienced similar behaviors with those who had difficult times dealing with the changes in Piper as the effects of the Alzheimer’s progressed.  Some of the people we expected (and to be honest, were depending on) to act sensibly and responsive to her needs, seemed to suddenly become very unpredictable and insensitive.  While on the other hand, there were also those who totally surprised me at the amount of care and concern they demonstrated for my sweet wife in her time of need.

In Philippians 3:12 in The Passion Translation, the Apostle Paul states that “I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover.”  If you’ve read any of my recent posts, then you know my thoughts about the need to be passionate in life.  And this verse is another one of those that stirs up that flame of passion in me.  The idea of “running with passion into His abundance to reach the purposes He has for me” excites me!  How about you?

The New American Standard Version says that I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”  Robertson’s Word Pictures explains Paul’s “pressing on” saying, “He is not discouraged, but encouraged.  He keeps up the chase.”  That to me, perfectly describes the idea of CONSISTENCY! 

Throughout the eleven years that we fought the battle for Piper’s health, we worked diligently to stay CONSISTENTLY focused on the promises in God’s Word.  It was a course of action… or maybe better said, a course of life, that we had been working on, practicing and hopefully improving on, the whole time we were together, beginning in high school in 1970!  And by the time we got that first devastating negative report in July of 2007, we simply responded with what we had been spiritually and physically trained to do… to trust in the Lord, no matter what the physical and emotional circumstances presented… or more accurately stated… screamed in our faces!

And today, two years after her passing, I am discovering that I have to stay just as focused… if not more, as when Piper was with me… mainly because she’s NOT with me anymore.  I’m finding out that I HAVE to stay CONSISTENT in doing all the right things that I’ve always done in the past to keep me “strong, confident and courageous” (See: Joshua 1:9).  In the past I could simply depend on my spunky partner to encourage me, but now… well, it’s up to me!  Therefore, my plan is to stay CONSISENT in my CONSISTENCY in doing the right things to keep me headed in the right direction as I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover.”

How about you? How CONSISTENT are you?

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