Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, October 17, 2016

Can't Help But Rejoice

I’ve mentioned numerous times of how I speak scriptures and sing to my wife each morning as I help her up for the day.  Well, today was no different and as I went about my work I found myself kind of absent-mindlessly singing:

♫ “This is the day, this is the day,
     That the Lord had made, that the Lord has made
     We will rejoice, we will rejoice,
     And be glad in it, and be glad in it…” ♪

But I suddenly stopped as a thought hit my mind and I explained to Piper that it is not only a privilege that we get to rejoice but it is also the right of every born again Christian man, women, boy and girl!  Then I began to consider the idea that our right to rejoice in Him comes as part of the package that Papa God has provided to us who believe through Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of God… as part of our position “In Christ!”

Now that got me excited this morning and I couldn’t wait to get my wife to the table and breakfast served so that I could delve into all this in the Word of God!  As I began to consider all that we have “In Him” I couldn’t help but to rejoice at all we have through the finished work of Christ!

Think about this with me for a moment here!  We get to rejoice because:

  • ·         2 Corinthians 5:17 says that we are a new creation and the old things are passed  away!
  • ·         Ephesians 2:10 declares that we are His workmanship!  
  • ·         Romans 8:1 states that we have no more condemnation!
  • ·         Colossians 1:13-14 proclaims that we’ve been delivered from the power of darkness and are now kingdom citizens with all its benefits!
  • ·         I Peter 2:24 reports that Jesus has provided healing for us!
  • ·         I John 4:4 unequivocally declares that no matter what comes against us, that the One who is greater than any other force lives in us!
  • ·         Philippians 4:13 boldly states that we can do ALL things through Christ!
  • ·         Philippians 4:19 documents that God supplies All of our needs!
  • ·         And Ephesians 1:13 sums it all up by declaring that we have ALL the blessings of heaven in Christ!  And the list goes on and on and on…
So I ask you today: “How can you possibly NOT rejoice first thing each day and then throughout the day, NO MATTER WHAT SITUATIONS PRESENT THEMSELVES TO YOU?  You and I have EVERY reason in heaven to rejoice here on the earth!  That statement of faith causes me to get both sad and frustrated every time I hear a Christian complaining about something or speaking out words of fear, doubt and/or unbelief!  I guess it all comes down to what you are dwelling on at any given time.  Are you WORD connected or WORRY connected?

The Apostle Peter commended his readers saying: “…yet believing (in Christ) ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” (I Peter 1:8 KJV)  John Gill in his “Exposition of the Entire Bible” further explained Peter’s thought by translating it as: “With a joy believing on Him, which is better experienced than (just) expressed.” In other words, this kind of heavenly joy is only fully realized when it is lived and not just spoken about.

I have known many good Christians who talk a good story and will even be heard uttering words of praise and rejoicing, but yet it is clearly evident that it is strictly coming from the intellect and not from a heart and life that regularly experiences the joy of the Lord that Paul talked about when he declared in Philippians 3:1 “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord…” (KJV)  To me he is simply saying: “When push comes to shove, always find yourself rejoicing in the Lord!”

I can honestly admit that this is something that I need to get back to!  I was reminiscing with Piper this morning of how the joy of the Lord used to just come out of our mouths whenever something unexpected happened and the funny looks we would get as we stated “Praise the Lord” instead of the expletives that others around us muttered when things would go a little crazy!

Over the last few years there have been a few times when I’ve been stretched and pulled with the events of my wife’s health that I’ve surprised myself with a few “terms” that came out of my mouth!  And sure, maybe I could try and justify it because of the extreme physical and emotional stress I’ve been dealing with… but you know… I really don’t believe that there is any excuse!  If I am truly focused, expectant and sold out to the truth of Papa God’s love for my wife and I as declared in His holy Word, then I don’t want to waste my words with fear-tainted comments… I want to preserve His truth, His love and His power in our lives through each and every word I speak!

Is that even possible?  I don’t know… but I am sure gonna try!  So what am I going to do?  I am going to keep rejoicing!  I believe that rejoicing is a powerful tool that Papa God has given us and I am going to keep putting it to work for me!  How about you?

Have a great week.  Stay in tune and focused on His Word and keep asking yourself… “What or whose words am I expecting to release from my lips during the good and the bad times of my life?”

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