Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

It's ALL about WHO you Know!

I was musing the other day over all the possibilities, questions and ideas that I have been mulling over concerning the purchase of a house here in our new home state.  After a few moments I turned to my wife and shared how I really longed for her input on the matter.  This part of our plan has been the only thing that has somewhat stumped me since our move.  I think that this has to do with the large financial commitment that it would entail and its implications to our retirement nest egg.
It is a big decision that I don’t care to make on my own!  When we shopped for our first home back in the mid-eighties it was all about Piper and I.  We did it all together, hand in hand, heart to heart.  We didn’t take one step without intense conversation between the two of us.  I also realized as I dwelt on this new adventure in faith, that I was more than a little tired of having to make ALL the decisions for our life over these past few years by myself. 
Of course I realize that Papa God has been with me the WHOLE time and in that respect I have and will never be alone… but I think you understand what I am saying here!  I sorely miss the interactions and oneness of everything Piper and I have always done together since the day we became an “item” in High School!
A funny thing happened though, right after I made my statement to Piper.  It was almost as though someone threw a glass of cold water on my face.  I instantly had the understanding that I DO KNOW exactly what she would say in the midst of all the decisions that need to be made!  The Lord spoke to my heart and reminded me that I intimately KNOW Piper better than anyone else on this earth!  I KNOW what makes her tick!  Most times I KNOW what she is thinking and I KNOW what she would say and the decisions she would unquestionable make in most situations. For I KNOW her heart.  And I KNOW the firm foundation that has directed her since she accepted the Lord when she walked the aisle, answering the call of Christ as an eight year old.
Suddenly I had a peace that overcame all my anxieties about the new home purchase.  At that moment I recalled the various steps that we had taken during the first couple of years after the initial diagnosis of the changes that we were observing in Piper.  Every time I explained a new decision to her folks they would ask: “What does Piper think about that?” or “Does Piper know about this?”  And each time I would pause, take a deep breath and say without a doubt, “Of course” and then go on to explain how I KNEW.”
Prior to my study on “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6:9-13, I had been studying Jesus’ prayers in Mark 14 to Papa God in the place called Gethsemane on the night of His betrayal and arrest which led to the cross.  His emotional and intensely personal cry to His Father in verse 36 is what reminded me of the prayer He had taught His disciples to pray in Matthew.  In the garden that night, Jesus demonstrated what He was trying to convey to His followers.  At the point of His deepest need, He relied on His deep and intimate personal relationship with His Papa God.
In the midst of everything that He was to face that night and next day, He emphatically cried out “Abba! Father!”  He KNEW what was ahead.  He KNEW exactly what He needed to do to complete the Father’s plan for man’s salvation AND He intimately KNEW His Daddy and how He would help Him through it all!
I had a good friend tell me a while back that even though my wife is not very vocal right now, that it was special to see that she is still talking to me through her heart to mine!  I think that this is also a good example of how our intimate KNOWLEDGE of Papa God and His Word talks to us as well.
How intimately do you KNOW the heart of God?  Would you KNOW what He would say concerning the daily decisions you face even when you might not be able to hear His voice?  The Lord made it clear to me that I am still making our daily decisions in agreement with Piper because I KNOW her. 
I hope that I can always say the same thing when it comes to my relationship with Papa God!  Have a wonderful day.  Yesterday’s snow made it difficult to push Piper’s wheelchair through the accumulation of the white stuff on the sidewalks around our home, but I believe the Lord showed me that if I can at least muscle her down the walkway to the parking lot, then I could walk her around it where the snow has melted.  Then I can get to our garage on the other side of the complex and get my flat shovel!  See, He knew my heart’s desire and told me of a way to fulfill it!
Stay in tune to God’s Word and to His voice, and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting to KNOW today?”

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