Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, January 11, 2025


I would consider my first ‘real’ job to be as a sales associate at the old Sears store in downtown Santa Rosa, California.  I had mowed lawns since my junior high school days and worked for a print shop for a couple of hours a day after school throughout high school, but Sears is where I really entered into the reality of a regular, decent paying job, with steady hours, opportunity for advancement and the ability to become part of a team working together to achieve corporate goals and serve the public at the same time!

I worked there from the summer of 1971 and well into 1977 when I quit to manage the apartments we lived in, pursue my photography business aspirations and to follow the recent ministry call as the on-staff Youth Minister at our church.  While there, I spent my entire time at Sears working in the sales departments located in the basement of that store.  Mostly part-time in Sporting Goods while attending Junior College and later as a full-time associate in Hardware… but I knew the entire floor pretty well and could and did help out in the other departments like Paint and Electrical.  The only area I never worked in was the Catalog desk… although I did spend many a quiet evening talking to the gals who worked behind the counter!  (Don’t worry… Piper knew them all and they saw her around enough to know that I was well spoken for!)

My point in all this is that over the years, I got to know many of the regular customers who considered Sears to be their go-to store.  Most of the customers were friendly and approachable… except for one older gentleman that most of the associates tended to avoid!  It turned out that the man was a retired Deputy Sheriff and always made it a point to let that fact be known.

He had a flamboyant way of flipping open his wallet so that his big, shiny gold badge always tended to get in your face while he fished for his credit card and swung back his jacket in such a way so that the hand gun he carried on his belt could be clearly seen.  He had an attitude about him that tended to leave me with great concern for the way he had treated people while on the job and made me worry about how easily it might be for him to draw his revolver now that he seemed to live in the hyped-up stories of his past.

I hadn’t thought about that man for many, many years… until this morning when I was reading about the power behind the words that you and I speak on a daily basis.  Psalm 40:3 in The Passion Translation tells us,

“A new song for a new day rises up in me every time I think about how God breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise pours out of my MOUTH until everyone hears how God has set me free. Many will see His miracles; they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with Him!” 

While pursuing a Hebrew and Greek word study on various words within this verse, I was a little stunned when I looked up the original language’s meanings behind the word “MOUTH.”  Both the Hebrew and Greek translations agree that the usage of “MOUTH” is defined as our “speech or language” and “specifically as the edge of a WEAPON or the edge of a sword.” (Strong’s and Thayer’s)

That definition immediately reminded me of a very familiar scripture where the Apostle Paul specifically taught about the WEAPONS that we as Christians are to use in our daily lives.  2 Corinthians 10:4 clearly informs us that,

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;”

So… while that older gentleman from the early days of my adult work history, carried a WEAPON at his side and tended to make all of us around him anxious by the way he spoke and paraded his gun and badge in public… we Christiansaccording to Paul… carry around just as powerful a weapon… one that does “not pertain to the flesh, or is under the control of the animal appetites nor governed by mere human nature, instead of by the Spirit of God” (Strongs)!   The powerful WEAPONS of our daily warfare are the very WORDS that we SPEAK each and every day!

As I began to study these verses within the context of both King David’s and the Apostle Paul’s understanding concerning the importance of the words we speak… I immediately… among other thoughts on the subject… had to sit back at my desk and wonder if the words that I speak in this current season of my life (as I have come a long way and learned a lot more in my Christian walk since those days in the early to mid-1970’s) ever cause people that I am interacting with… to feel uncomfortable or even anxious to be around me!

On that same subject matter, Jesus Himself declared that,  “The words you speak reveal the true condition of your heart…” (Matthew 12:37 – The Remedy),  while Peter distinctly taught that “Whoever speaks must speak God's words.” (I Peter 4:11 God’s Word ©)

Are the words that I speak in the course of my daily life God’s words or words that agree with the truth of His Word as found within the pages of my Bible?

How About You… and the WORDS that you speak when conversing with others in public, at home or at church… are they God’s Words… or words that line up with His truth as written in your Bible?

If God considers MY WORDS as the WEAPONS of my or HIS warfare in my walk on this earth… then I’d best make sure that every word I speak hits its target and that I don’t waste valuable ammunition by talking without thought of the harm that my words may inflict on someone else!

What do YOU think about that?

There is a lot more to these verses that I’ll be sharing over the next few weeks… but in the meantime… STAY ALERT to what comes out of your mouth!  I like the saying to engage our minds and, in this case… our spirits… in connection with HIS SpiritBEFORE engaging our mouths!

Have a terrific weekend!  Our winter weather storm that blew through over the last few days has left us with the beautiful sights of bright blue skies and (a little) warmer weather that is quite welcome!  The snow is quickly melting and the icy morning and evening streets are quickly fading away! PTL!

So… Stay ALERT to your Godly filled WORDS and expect God’s BEST when you do!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Fresh and New!

With this being our very first blog post for the New Year of 2025, I would like to wish everyone a blessed, prosperous, diligent and healthy New Year!

I can’t help but to get excited at the beginning of every New Year.  Even as I look outside the big window here in my study and observe the dreary, overcast skies and the brown (dormant) lawns in my neighborhood, as well as those covering the golf course just a few short steps away… I am enthusiastic about what is ahead for me in this New Year of 2025.

As far as the immediate future goes, we here in the central states of America are gearing up for the first winter storm of the season.  It promises to bring Arctic conditions complete with snow, strong northern winds, and chill factors into the single digit numbers for some of us and below zero for most north of our location.  But after this weather front moves on through, toward the end of the week… I am excited with a FRESH NEW anticipation of what good, gracious and WONDER-FILLED experiences that the Lord has in store for me and my family in the months ahead.

I always like to seek the Lord to discover a special verse or verses of Scripture as a foundation for each New Year.   And this year was no different.  An old familiar verse from the book of Psalms came to my remembrance a few weeks ago that seemed to ignite a FRESH NEW fire of EXPECTANCY within me for the New Year.

In Psalm 40, David wrote of a situation in his life from which he had sought the Lord in a time of deep trouble and despondency and described how the Lord heard his cry, pulled him out of the pit of destruction and set his feet upon a rock, making his footsteps firm.* And then with the great JOY of EXPECTANCY, he told of the NEW SONG that God had placed in his mouth declaring,

“A new song for a new day rises up in me every time I think about how He breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until everyone hears how God has set me free. Many will see His miracles; they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with Him!” (Psalm 40:3 - The Passion Translation)

The word NEW in this verse literally describes “a FRESH, NEW THING** and while I am not sure about you… the thought of FRESH NEW THINGS happening in the course of my life in 2025… thoroughly invigorates and excites me!  I already have plans set in motion for this NEW Year that center around a springtime move to Tennessee to be near my older two kids and their families… AND to be near the wonderful landscape of tall mountains complete with rivers, lakes and tall pines that reach up into the sky… that all contribute to their state’s larger than life, overflow of American history that pre-dates the Revolutionary War!

So, yea… I’m excited for the NEW Year, but more importantly… of how the good Lord is going to put it all together for me, each and every step of the way!  This move is NOT like the others I’ve made in the past and I am thoroughly EXCITED and Highly EXPECTANT of the FRESH NEW THINGS that He has up HIS sleeve for me!

So, HOW ABOUT YOU in 2025?  You may not have a major move in your upcoming plans, but I am pretty sure that you have goals, hopes and dreams that you are looking forward to seeing completed in the NEW Year ahead… Am I right?

David tells us in PSALM 40:1-3 that when we go to the Lord in prayer and cry out our heartfelt thoughts, concerns and hopeful plans to Him… that… no matter how BAD the situation seems to be… that He will hear our cries, bring us out of the pit of destruction, place our feet on the solid ROCK of JESUS and thereby make our footsteps firm AND:

“Put a (fresh) NEW SONG in our mouths, a (fresh NEW) SONG of praise to our God” so that “Many will see and revere (HIM) and (through our acts of faith-based praise) put their trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:3 – NASB)

So… What do you think?  Are you READY and EXPECTANT for the NEW SONG for the NEW DAY that He wants to place in you for 2025?  I sure am… So… Let’s go for it together!  Have a great weekend… and get ready to SING for Him!


*Psalm 40:1-2 NASB

**Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Christmas Memories and Miracles

I found myself talking to the dog on our morning walk a couple of days ago, about the whole idea of “After Christmas Memories.” I had got to thinking that most of the fond memories that I’ve heard people tell of, usually occurred in the days before or on Christmas day itself.

But I had been reminded earlier that morning, of a special event that happened in the days following Christmas almost 30 years ago.  The Christian radio station that I usually listen to in the morning had switched over to their special “12 Days of Christmas” format and was playing contemporary Christian Christmas songs from the last few decades… and it was a cut from Steven Curtis Chapman’s 1995 “The Music of Christmas” album that pulled me back to that heartfelt experience.

In the twenty years that I worked for Hewlett Packard and their spin-off, Agilent Technologies, I normally took the week after Christmas off from work.  It was the first extended time off that I would take since the summer each year and it gave me quiet time to spend with my family.  It was also the first break we got after months of preparation and practice for the annual Children’s Christmas program at the church.  So, like I said, it was a time to just kick back and relax!

Therefore, in that particularly busy and at times difficult year, Piper and I decided to grab the opportunity afforded by her homeschooling vacation and my time off and spend a couple of days alone, at our favorite lodge up on the Sonoma County coast.  So, we threw a few essentials into the back of the Camaro, stopped at our neighborhood Raley’s for meals and snacks and pointed the car west, toward the Pacific Ocean!

The weather all along the coast was typical for that time of year and was dreary, overcast and cold.  But you know… any day, no matter what the weather… was always a beautiful day at the coast for us!  I think that we probably spent more time in the room on that visit than we normally did, but we enjoyed being alone and listening to the new Steven Curtis Chapman Christmas cassette that the kids had given us when we opened presents a few days previous.

So, when that song from that album played on the radio these many years later… I was transported back in time to that lodge room with its little kitchen, sitting area, bedroom and bath, along with its breath-taking views of the Pacific Ocean below the cliff a few dozen yards outside our window. 

The particular memory that was so sweet to me was of me sitting in a chair and watching Piper, who was standing with her back toward me, across the room, getting a snack for herself at the kitchen counter... with Steven Curtis Chapman singing “Christmas Is All in the Heart” from my boombox in the background.

I’m not so sure why it was so special, but I always loved watching her move… the way she confidently carried herself and even how she manipulated her little fingers when she used the knife to cut her favorite whole bran bakery muffin in half… and even though she was fully covered in insulated jeans, boots, a long sleeve shirt and an insulated thermal vest, she was still the most alluring and exciting woman in the entire universe to me!

And it was that unique memory that triggered thoughts of another one of my most favorite after Christmas activities!  I gave up on New Years Resolutions along time ago, but over the years since, have gotten into the habit of taking the time to listen to the Lord for special words and or “Catch Phrases” during the concluding days of December, in order to help frame the course of my EXPETATIONS for the soon coming NEW YEAR.

The scripture from Isaiah 9:6 that we have been looking at throughout this December, has definitely gotten me focused on the miraculous nature of God.  If you recall, the Prophet, in announcing the coming of the Savior, declared to the Israelites in Judah,

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

In last weekend’s Christmas blog, we discussed how Jesus’s name of “WONDERFUL” or “WONDER-FILLED can also be defined in the old Hebrew as “MIRACLE-FILLED!”  Therefore, we could simply say in today’s modern English, that Jesus, the manifested presence of the one of whom Isaiah prophesied as Savior… and the truth of His Wordis FILLED with MIRACLES!

E.W. Kenyon is his book “The Wonderful Name of Jesus” wisely wrote that

“When REASON takes the place of the MIRACULOUS, Christianity loses its VIRILITY, FASCINATION, and FRUITFULNESS.”

Dictionary.com defines the word “VIRILITY” in this context, as Christianity’s “character, vigor or spirit and its power of procreation”, and the word “FASCINATION,” as Christianity’s “ability to irresistibly draw the attention and interest of someone.”

So… without miracles, Christianity is just another dead religion, instead of the living, breathing and life-changing relationship that we have in our daily lives with Jesus Christ.

I realized as I thought about all of this and pondered the quickly approaching NEW YEAR of 2025… that ALL the EXPECTATIONS that I have for each and every NEW YEAR… always include the anticipation of a MIRACLE… or two… or more!

How About You?

If MIRACLES are the VIRILITY of my faith in Christ and the fascinating POWER that irresistibly draws the attention of others… then I WANT to have MIRACLES active in my life!

Wouldn’t You Agree?

Have a fun, safe and sound New Years.  We are FINALLY forecast to have some cold but SUNNY weather for the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025!

… and EXPECT MIRACLES to come ALIVE in 2025!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Expect A Miracle

With today being the official first day of winter in the northern hemisphere, our weather here in Oklahoma did not disappoint but greeted our morning walk with a frost covered golf course and temperatures in the low twenties!  And while I was bundled up with my thermals and cold weather insulated coat and gloves… Fiver bounded around like a kid at an amusement park!  With his thick Great Pyrenees coat, he thrives when the thermometer plummets!

He has a routine each and every morning that never varies.  After my morning coffee and Bible study time, I feed the dog and head for the shower… and as soon as I turn off the water and step over the tub… he appears at the slightly ajar door* and begins to dance around the bedroom and bark… knowing that our morning walk will begin as soon as I get myself ready for the day!

It's actually kind of funny and I play along with him by pretending to bark and say things to excite him even more.  I don’t think that I could find a better example of someone’s EXPECTATIONS bursting forth with the anticipation of an upcoming event!  And low and behold… if I should drop the leash after putting his harness on him to return to the kitchen to get my keys… he’ll literally stick to my side by pressing against me until I return to and open the front door!

The EXPECTANCY that Fiver places in me to take him on a walk each morning brings to mind the same EXPECTANCY that the angel of the Lord gave to everyone with whom he shared the joyful message of the birth of the New Born King… Christ the Lord.

From Isaiah’s prophecies some 400 years before the actual event, to the revelations given to Simeon and the prophetess Anna and his personal appearances to Zacariah, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds tending to their flocks in the fields near Bethlehem, the angel of the Lord presented to the world an EXPECTATION of the WONDER-FILLED, Prince of WHOLENESS coming to revolutionize the world’s way of thinking and bring eternal salvation to mankind.

In Isaiah 9:6 the Prophet lit the fires of EXPECTATION within the hearts of the Jewish people in Judah by declaring:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government (rule/dominion) shall be upon his shoulders: and his NAME (singular) shall be called WONDER-FILLED, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of PEACE (Wholeness and/or Satisfaction).” (KJV/MSG) 

According to Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, the word translated WONDERFUL literally means “MIRACLE, MARVEL or a MARVELOUS THING.” The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definitions defines it as an “EXTRAORDINARY, HARD TO BELIEVE (with the natural mind) thing.”

In one respect, the angel of the Lord was heralding to mankind a message of an event of the birth of someone through whose actions (on the cross and beyond) would open up a totally new horizon to the way we think, speak and act!  To get ready to activate the strength to believe and receive the EXPECTATIONS of God’s supernatural powers and abilities to live and function in our lives… and through our actions of faith in Him and the truth of His Word… positively affect the lives of people around us.

The world renown evangelist Oral Roberts coined the phrase “EXPECT A MIRACLE” that became the rally cry for all of us Charismatics during the 70’s and 80’s and is still heard today through Brother Robert’s books, at Oral Robert’s University here in Tulsa and the world-wide ministry of his son Richard Roberts.  I believe that it is the statement of faith and the way of life that the angel of the Lord presented at that first CHRISTMAS on that cold and starry night, around that tiny manger in the little town of Bethlehem a few thousand years ago.

I believe that it is the message of daily EXPECTATION that the Lord is still teaching us today as we listen to, learn and follow the teachings found in our Bibles and Christian study books and other aids.  It is the MIRACLE MINDEDNESS that He wants us to keep active in our lives 24/7… no matter where we are or who we are with.

I believe that it is the call that JESUS is renewing for us in THIS CHRISTMAS that we are celebrating right NOW in 2024.

It’s the message that the angel of the Lord originally brought to the world at the birth of the baby Jesus as he encouraged them and continues with us today, to live out our daily lives in such an awareness of being MIRACLE MINDED and NOT fear focused!  To believe for GOD’s BEST and fully EXPECT to see it in all that we do.

SO… what about you?  Will you yield to the call that we revisit each Christmas as we read the Christmas Story with our families? (See: Luke2:1-38) 

When you step out your front door today… will you EXPECT A MIRACLE?

I believe that you will!  Have a blessed, warm and meaningful Christmas… and continue to EXPECT A MIRACLE for the rest of this year and beyond into 2025 as well…!


*When Piper started having seizures back in 2009, I got in the habit of keeping the bathroom door slightly ajar when I shower because she had a seizure when I was showering one morning and I wanted to be able to hear her.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


I have always enjoyed collecting cars.  As a kid I had boxes over-flowing with Matchbox Cars.  But these cars were not to be placed untouched on a display shelf, but pawns to my over-active imagination as I spent hours on end playing with the cars and making up extravagant adventures as I went along.  I could be anyone and go anywhere as I imagined myself behind the wheel of my favorite cars in my ever-growing collection.  In Junior High I found a new hobby and began building 1:25 scale plastic model kits of 1960’s Muscle Cars.  I never took the time to paint the completed models, so I had matching white cars on every available space in my bedroom!

By the end of my days at Santa Rosa Junior College, I had met the gal I would eventually marry and together we delved into our joint joy of Hot Cars and began collecting the real ones!  Through the next forty some years we owned everything from two-seater English and Japanese sports cars, to four-wheel drive trucks, to hot station wagons, and onward to one of each of the three most popular Pony Cars… Challenger, Camaro and Mustang!  And today I find myself reverting back to my younger years as I have begun, once again, collecting 1:25 scale, precision diecast model Pony cars!

As a kid I can still clearly remember the WONDER and excitement that I would feel when I would find a small (approximately 2”) box wrapped under the Christmas tree.  My mom had a tradition of slowly adding wrapped presents under the tree each day during the week proceeding Christmas Eve, when we normally opened most of our presents… and since she usually started with the smallest ones first… you can imagine of how I was ready to burst with anticipation as we gathered around the tree on Christmas Eve!

I have to admit that this Holiday Season has been the toughest for me yet, since the passing of my wife six years ago.  But I was pleasantly surprised the other day, when I felt that familiar old spark of WONDER and excitement perk up in me as I began to study the prophet Isaiah’s foretelling to the Jews in Judea of the coming of a Savior many hundreds of years in their future.  He boldly declared to a downcast nation,

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called WONDER-FULL, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (KJV)

You’ll notice that I split the word translated WONDERFUL into two words.  I did that because it was the way that I first read this very familiar verse this year.  I became aware that the scripture does not automatically combine the words WONDERFUL and Counselor… like I’ve always read it and heard it preached.  It is actually two separate Anointings, Characteristics, Roles, Positions or Titles given to the coming Savior.

And it made me literally jump for JOY with the anticipation of the WONDER of Jesus filling my life!  The Sermon Bible Commentary makes a point of importance when it states that WONDER “is the first title which the prophetic herald assigns to the new born prince.”  Explaining in detail, that Jesus is WONDERFUL in His nature, in His offices and in RELATION to His people.

I would summarize the commentary in John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible for WONDERFUL in this verse by stating that Jesus is full of WONDER in every aspect of His being, in every aspect of His name and in every aspect of His Word.  Dictionary.com defines WONDERFUL as “to think or speculate curiously, to be filled with admiration, amazement or awe, and to feel WONDER at.”  I had to pause and laugh at this definition because it reminded me of the way I always felt about my wife, Piper.  She had a way of keeping things in our relationship fresh, fun and exciting… and enjoyed keeping me in anticipation of her next unexpected, humor-filled action!

And you know… that is very similar to the way that I like to live in my relationship with Jesus!  I’ve come to the point in my life where I don’t EVER want to lose the sense of WONDER, anticipation and expectation that I feel when I read and study my Bible, pray and allow my faith to be a witness of His WONDER in the daily routines, events and human interactions of my life. 


Let’s do something together this CHRISTMAS season… Let go back and remember the WONDER and excitement that we felt in our childhood years when it came to anticipating and then tearing open the presents under our family tree… and then think of the WONDER that Jesus promises to bring into our lives in the here and nowat the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.

My confession is that I am coming ALIVE and will THRIVE in 2025… why don’t you join me in fully EXPECTING the manifestation of the WONDER that was brought with the baby Jesus that Isaiah prophesized about… to be STIR-ED UP, ACTIVE and ALIVE in our lives… starting RIGHT NOWTODAY!

Hummm… Less the 2 weeks til Christmas… are you ready?

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Let Me Introduce You...

I used to love it when my wife would come to visit me during my 20 years combined stint with Hewlett Packard and later their spin-off company Agilent Technologies.  I would get a call from the guard at the lobby from which she entered the building, and they would let me know that I had a visitor.  And it was a sure-thing every time.  By the time I made it down to either of the two public lobbies, she and the guard would have big smiles on their faces and be talking like they were old buddies!  She had an uncanny way to make anyone relax and feel special around her.

The real pleasure for me though, would come when we made it over to my work area and I would get to introduce her to all the folks working in my department within the fabrication area.  I guess that I used to talk about her a lot, for when my team would meet her in person, they acted like they had known her for years!  They knew that I was crazy about her and most likely wanted to meet the women that made their supervisor smile so much!

And so, with that personal example in mind… I want to introduce you to a special friend this Christmas…

As I have been studying (and writing about) the gift of God’s PEACE that He gave to us, it only seemed logical that I would be led to turn back in the Old Testament, to a well-known prophecy that foretold of the coming of a special child of Whom is the reason of the Christmas Season that we are celebrating this month.  The prophet Isaiah brought hope to the about-to-be-taken-under-siege inhabitants of Judah, some 700 years before the actual event was to take place, by introducing them to a coming Savior, by announcing in Isaiah 9:6,

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of PEACE.” (KJV)

Now I know that you’re probably thinking… “What’s he talking about?  I already know about Jesus.  What is Pastor Jim trying to pull here?”

Well… I want to introduce you to a new side of Jesus.  A revelation that some of you may not have considered before!  And I discovered this personality as I read Isaiah 9:6 from the modern paraphrase Message Bible where the translator/writer of this edition, Eugene H. Peterson, properly captured the ancient Hebrew meaning of the word PEACE (Shalom) by accurately stating the names of Jesus, writing that,

“His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of WHOLENESS.”  (Shalom)

So… Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, allow me to introduce you to:


The Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM) reports that,

“The root word of Shalom is ‘shalam’… and that the ancient Hebrew meaning of shalam was ‘to make something whole’. Not just regarding practical restoration of things that were lost or stolen. But with an overall sense of fulness and completeness in mind, body and estate.”*

The Oxford Online Dictionaries informs us that the legal word “estate” refers to “All the money and property owned by a particular person.”

You know… It is very much like the folks I worked with who already knew about Piper, but got to know her in a deeper way when she came in person to my place of work.  Most of us already know Jesus (or at least about Him)… but there is always a deeper revelation to learn and then put into practical application in our lives.  If you’re anything like me… a greater revelation of Jesus only works to make me hungry for more of His promises and goodness in my life.

And like the title of my blog… It definitely makes me want to EXPECT more of God in my daily activities and then empower me to be a greater blessing to those around me!  I want my entire life to be WHOLEphysically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally as well as financiallyDON’T YOU?

I’m EXCITEDAREN’T YOU?  There is always more of Jesus to be known and activated in each of our personal lives.  I pray that each of you will join me in introducing JESUS, THE PRINCE OF WHOLENESS to everyone around us during (and after) this wonderful holiday season!

After all… He IS the reason for the season!



Saturday, November 30, 2024

Listening for Peace!

I was reminiscing today, as Fiver and I were out on our morning walk, of how much I used to enjoy getting up before the family when we were in the mountains camping.  It was a quickly established routine of getting the coffee going and then just sitting in a camp chair, quietly listening to the soft sounds of the forest.  To me… it was the epitome of the kind of PEACE that a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the responsibilities of one’s daily life was meant to provide.

While sitting in that camp chair, I could HEAR the sound of PEACE all around me.  At first it was the absence of sound, but the more I tuned into my surrounding, I began to hear the tree tops swaying and brushing against each other in the wind that wasn’t felt down in the campground but heard far above us. 

Then there were the birds singing and squawking to each other along with the chattering of the other forest creatures in the trees and scurrying around the campgrounds… and eventually the sounds of families as the campground began to come alive for the day, with the familiar chops of a hatchet coming into contact with a log in preparation for the morning fire, the occasional sound of children’s laughter or the muffled bark of a dog coming from the deep regions of the camp.

Throughout my adult years I have learned to be sensitive to and enjoy the PEACE that is all around us… the kind of serenity that comes as one learns to LISTEN, to FEEL, to DO and then to FOLLOW THROUGH.

In our blog post last weekend, I promised to share some ways in which we can answer the questions of:

·       How we can experience His PEACE in the flow of our daily lives

·       How we can become CONFIDENT enough to REST IN HIM, and

·       How we can BE COURAGEOUS in and through the troubles and sorrows that we might face… by knowing that He has already overcome and conquered those times for us?

If you do a review of the scriptures about the PEACE of God that we have been sharing over the last few weeks… you will find the answers!  All of these verses contain ACTION steps for us to put into practice in our lives.  Words and phrases such as BE, REST in ME, STIR-UP, LET, LEAD and BE THANKFUL are all activities and positive practices that we can employ in the daily course of our lives to allow or LET the PEACE of God permeate everything we do!

And I’ll add another verse of scripture today that seems to best encapsulate and summarize the previous verses concerning having the PEACE of God in our lives.  Grab your Bible and turn with me to Colossians 3:15 where the Apostle Paul gives us hints on how to live as God’s people saying,

“And let the PEACE of God RULE in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” (KJV)

You’ll notice first off, that Paul begins his advice with a key ACTION step that tells us to “LET” what He is teaching us to happen in our lives.  He is saying that the result of the rest of the verse is in our hands.  We have to make the decision to ALLOW this activity to be a part of our present and future lives.

And what are we going to LET have access into our daily activities?  It is the RULE of God’s PEACE! 

The most common definitions of the Greek word “RULE” are “to control, govern” or “to act as an umpire” in our lives.  Other Bible translations tell us to LET God’s PEACE “preside, be a compass, keep us in tune, settle all questioning” and/or “control our thinking or thoughts.”

Piper’s 1973 paperback issue of The Way, Living Bible Illustrated takes it a step further by saying (and of course, Piper had it underlined and marked in her Bible!),

“LET the PEACE of heart which comes from Christ be always present in your hearts and lives, for this is your RESPONSIBILITY and PRIVLEGE as members of His body.  And always be thankful.”

I like the idea of knowing that having the PEACE of God RULING in our hearts is not only a RESPONSIBILITY for us as Christians… but also is a special PRIVILEGE that we can take of advantage of in our lives!

And how do we put this RULE into action in our lives?  By following the same steps that I took at camp in the mornings… and in fact, during every moment of my daily life (or at least I strive for this level of awareness!) by LEARNING (and practicing) to:

·       LISTEN for His PEACE in the midst of the events of your life,

(stop and get in tune to your surroundings as well as what’s going on in the spirit inside of you)

·       FEEL (or sense) His PEACE,

(you may not always see His PEACE in your physical surroundings but when you tune into Him, you can definitely FEEL it on the inside!)

·       DO whatever He may instruct you to DO

(as you listen and tune in to Him and His Peace, you’ll begin to receive answers to your questions)

·       And finally, to FOLLOW THROUGH

(in order to assure that you are following His leadings and not your own!)

Philippians 4:7 tells us that as we learn to REFUSE to allow any forms of worry and anxiety into our lives and commit all of our concerns to God, that we’ll begin to see and experience,

“God’s wonderful PEACE that transcends human understanding, and makes the answers known to us through Jesus Christ.” (The Passion Translation) 

His answers and directions are available to us in our daily lives… but they are not always heard in the noise of the world around us.  So, when things get noisy and maybe a little crazy around you… SEEK out His PEACE by staying familiar with the promises that He has for you and me in His Word and then follow the steps above in order to find and allow His PEACE to RULE in all the activities of your daily lives!

My wife always seemed to thrive when things got very active (and maybe a little crazy) around her… because she knew how to SEEK OUT and stay in the PEACE of God… And she also had an uncanny way of just letting that PEACE ooze off of her and onto to everyone around her!

That’s the kind of PEACE I want (and NEED) in my life… HOW ABOUT YOU?

I pray that all of you are having a fantastic Thanksgiving Day weekend… even if you’re not in the United States… after allevery day is a good day to BE THANKFUL!