Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Day Dreaming!

Were you ever called a DAYDREAMER when you were a kid?  I don’t remember anyone ever accusing me of that… mainly because I was too active to stop and DREAM away my playtime!  But at night, after the lights were turned out, well… it was a different story!  I can remember DREAMING up all kinds of far-fetched adventures of which I was usually the HERO of the story!  Which, now that I think about it, is probably one of the contributing factors to why I almost instantly went into the HERO mode as Piper’s guardian and protector when she got sick! 

In fact… I still find myself thinking or reacting in those terms when I have a memory of her.  For example, I have some vacation pictures of Piper wearing shorts and a T-shirt hanging above my workbench in the garage.  And you know… almost every time I go out there in the winter and see her in that summer attire… I immediately want to run in the house and get her a jacket!  Weird huh?

An opposite reaction is detailed in the Biblical book of Genesis, when Jacob’s sons responded negatively concerning the DREAMS that their younger brother Joseph had.  It is written in Genesis 37:19-20 that,

“They said to each other, ‘Look, here comes that MASTER DREAMER!  Let's kill him, throw him into one of the cisterns, and say that a wild animal has eaten him. Then we'll see what happens to his dreams.’" (God’s Word ©)

The original Hebrew word translated “DREAMER” speaks of two different kinds of DREAMS.  It simply describes “an ordinary DREAM or a DREAM with prophetic meaning.”  The Greek translation narrows it down by declaring that “in the New Testament the word DREAM describes a supernatural suggestion or impression received during sleep, a sleep-vision” (Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew definitions/Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary)

So first of all, we understand that a DREAM can… well… just be a DREAM. A vivid or pictorial image in your subconscious mind that can most likely be traced back to something you recently saw, experienced or even thought about.  I’ve even heard it joked that some DREAMS can be caused by spicy foods!  These are the DREAMS that you tend to forget all about when you wake up!

The other kind of DREAMS are the ones that should be considered more seriously as they are God-led, supernatural suggestions or impressions that can give direction, impart wisdom, answer questions or impart words with prophetic meanings.  These are the kinds of DREAMS that you might want to take to heart and consider.

In my personal experience, as well as with many people I know or have read about, with whom I would characterize as being leaders in the faith, DREAMS can also occur during your waking hours and are, as mentioned above, referred to as DAYDREAMS!

A DAYDREAM is defined as “a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present.  A state of DREAMY mediation or fanciful musing.  A fantastic, visionary and/or (what the accepted norms may refer to as an) impractical idea.”  (Oxford Online Dictionaries/Dictionary.com)

That’s the way that most of what I would consider to be my Spirit-led DREAMS have come to pass in my life… and they usually occur when I find myself in an atmosphere when I am attentive to the things of God during my private Bible study or prayer times as well as in church services.  For me they are not usually visual presentations, but impressions of specific words, or spoken directives. 

The majority of the time they are also only the beginning of the directions that God has for me and will entail time… usually hours of prayer and Biblical and natural research in order to confirm and further refine what it is the Lord is directing me to do.”  When I felt the Lord’s directive to move to Oklahoma and attend Bible College while attending a church conference out here in 2003, Piper and I prayed about it for a year before we made it known to anyone else… including our children.

As I mentioned in my last post, these Spirit inspired, God-led DREAMS should always agree with the written Word of God.  A God-given DREAM will never contradict the written Word complied within the pages in our Bibles.

Another important truth to understand, is that pursuing a faith-filled, Spirit led, supernatural suggestion or impression, is a lot more difficult than to NOT pursue it… and stay within the safety of the STATUS-QUO!  But let me tell you… The results of the battles you’ll face and fight throughout your personal journey, are much more rewarding and satisfying!

So, you can see why I have always felt that being called a DREAMER is not such a bad thing after all!  And I can’t help but think that God would FULLY agree, for why else would the Apostle Paul tell us to,

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. (for) He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, YOUR MOST UNBELIEVABLE DREAMS and exceed your wildest imagination! (and then) He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (Ephesians 3:20 – TPT) 

That particular verse of scripture is one of my favorites and makes me want to stand up and shout every time I read it!  Wouldn’t you agree!

We’ll talk more about DREAMS in coming blog posts… but until then, think about it, pray about it and stay in an atmosphere where you are attentive to His leadings!  Have a terrific weekend, be free to DREAM… and as you do, keep EXPECTING God’s BEST!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Free to DREAM!

It seems like I have been spending a lot of time during the recent weeks reminiscing over Piper’s and my time at Chico State in the early 1970’s.  I am not sure what sparks my journeys down the different seasons of my life. It might be an old photo I come upon, or a memory that flashes across my thoughts when I see couples engaged in activities that remind me of Piper and I, or when I am studying my Bible and glance upon a personal note in the margins that, depending on whose Bible I am using, either Piper or I wrote down in past studies.

But lately, its been many of the activities and experiences that we enjoyed while away from home, attending college and living in the dorms.  In many respects it was a training time for our upcoming marriage.  While we lived in separate dorms, we were totally on our own and functioned in most respects like a married couple.  We depended on each other, planned together, prayed together, played together and maybe most importantly, began to DREAM together about our future married life and the things that we wanted to accomplish… about the mark we wanted to make as adults, as husband and wife in the world we desired to create around us.

I mentioned in a recent blog post of how Piper and I initiated our habit of taking regular walks together throughout our marriage, while living in Chico.  Besides many other things, those walks were where we really started to DREAM together.  Piper and I were both DREAMERS and it seemed like there was no limitations, no DREAM too far out, nor anything that could stand in our way to fulfill those DREAMS.

We were both raised by wonderful parents and enjoyed terrific childhoods… and while our folks had DREAMS… in many instances, the ones that pushed the accepted financial norms were simply words and/or ideas that never got passed the talk stage.  But Piper and I… well… we were different than the rest of our immediate families.  We both felt like the Lord had given us and our marriage a “Pioneering Spirit,” and the more of God’s Word that we began to study and establish in our hearts, the more we aligned ourselves with Paul’s words in Philippians 4:13 when he told the church that,

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And then a few verses down, “And my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:13 & 19 EMTV)

And while our time at Chico State was spent in the exploration of both scholastic and real-life hypothesis, practical experience and DREAMING, our marriage was even better!  As we walked hand in hand across the foggy bluffs overlooking the beauty of the Pacific Ocean at Sea Ranch California and then a few days later under the towering Redwoods at Richardson Grove State Park on our honeymoon, we found ourselves DREAMING and then beginning to pray and plan concerning how we would accomplish those “divinely suggested DREAMS* that we felt were “supernatural impressions”* upon our hearts.

In Genesis 37:19 we read about the story of a well-known DREAMER named Joseph and his brother’s response to his divinely led visions.  To put it mildly, Joseph’s DREAMS irritated his brothers to no end and they finally got to the point when opportunity presented itself and said to each other;

"Look, here comes that master DREAMER!  Let's kill him, throw him into one of the cisterns, and say that a wild animal has eaten him. Then we'll see what happens to his DREAMS." (Genesis 37:19-20 – God’s Word ©)

Now Joseph was a young man with many gifts and talents, but knowing when to keep his mouth shut was not one of them!  Through the years, Piper and I learned, at times the hard way… although not to the extent of people wanting to kill us… that there were people who we could talk to about our DREAMS and others we could not.

To some people, DREAMS are nothing but foolish fantasies and not attainable in “real life.”  To others they can cause anger, fear and jealousy… especially when they see the hard work, persecution and times of financial strain experienced by the faith-filled and committed DREAMER, come to a successful conclusion.

The things that may be seen as foolishness, unwarranted chance and a waste of time, energy and money to some, are seen to those of us “Pioneers” as exciting and doable challenges when you closely follow the leadings of God through that “small-still-voice” on the inside and the Word of God… which should always agree!

I feel that people need to take the time to understand and except people who might think or act differently than they do.  In my experience in both secular and sacred management and leadership, I’ve learned that God has created three major types of individuals.  The “TRAILBLAZERS” or innovator who discovers new lands, and makes “a new track through wild country.”**

The ”PIONEERS” like Piper and I, who boldly go into the new areas opened up by the Trailblazer and take the raw and undeveloped scenery and begin to fashioned it into a beautiful new landscape and area of study and development.  And then the “SETTLERS” who follow the Pioneers (who may have since left to work new lands and new possibilities) who “Settle In” to the newly opened and establish areas and work to fully develop, grow and manage the long-range future of the land, organization, church, city and/or field of secular or sacred work or discovery.

You know, to be perfectly clear here, all three of these types of people can be DREAMERS.  They just have different kinds of DREAMS that fuel, stretch and lead the course of their existence within their particular type or character of life that God has given them.  One’s type or characteristic of life is not better than another… it is just different!  And one can, and in my perspective, should be free to DREAM no matter what their mindset is, and not be worried about what someone else thinks about their DREAM.

Now it is also good to understand that there are different kinds of DREAMS as well… but we’ll get into that distinction in our next post!  So, until then… if you haven’t done so before… take the time to step away from the “I Can’t Mentality” and allow yourself the luxury of DREAMING the big DREAM. 

Imagine what it would be like if the impossibilities, road-blocks, unavailability of resources, and the discouragement and criticisms of others weren’t there.  What if you really could:

“Do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And know without a doubt that  “God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

What then… would you DREAM… and how would you go about accomplishing your DREAMS?  Pretty exciting right? 

Have a terrific rest of your week, start DREAMING and as you do, keep EXPECTING God’s BEST!



*Thayer’s and Mounce’s definition of the Greek word translated “Dreamer” in Genesis 37:19

**Oxford Online Dictionaries

Saturday, January 21, 2023


I think that I have probably established the fact in various blog posts, that Piper and I enjoyed taking walks together.  In looking back, I would say that we began that experience together while we were both attending Chico State University, located in northcentral California, back in 1973-’74.  We were living in different dorms (one for gals and one for the guys) that were separated by a large and beautiful expanse of green lawn.

She was a Home Economics major and I was a Recreation Administration major… which meant that we didn’t have any classes together and therefore didn’t see much of each other during the day.  But in the evening, we always met on the grass and accompanied each other to the large cafeteria for dinner. 

Following that, we would enjoy a long and romantic walk around the beautiful grounds, that was dotted with old oak trees throughout the campus.  At times we would also venture off into the older but well-kept neighborhoods that were next to the school property.  And that tradition continued throughout the years of our marriage, up until her last week with us, when oxygen usage and weakness confined her to bed.

I remember one particular walk that we took on a weekend back in 2008 when I was in my second year of Bible College out here in Oklahoma.  It was one of those rare occasions when I had a Saturday off and we went out for a mid-afternoon stroll around the neighborhood to our favorite nature reserve that bordered the next neighborhood over from us.

As was Piper’s habit, she always stopped to pick up any loose change that we might come across along the way.  To be honest, this nonchalant practice of hers tended to bug me at times!  You see… I was too ‘cool’ (or more likely, embarrassed) to pick up anything in less it was at least a quarter or more.  But not Piper.  She’d bend over and swoop up what ever the amount was… even if it was just a few pennies!  Then she would pocket the change and transfer it to a plastic bag she kept on her dresser when we got home.

One thing that you would also have to know about Piper though, was that she was a giver.  Whenever the bucket was passed at church, she always put something into it... even if it was just the few cents she found in the street on our walks.   In line with her generosity, the Apostle Paul taught us in 2 Corinthians 9:7 to,

“Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the JOY of giving—all because God loves HILARIOUS generosity!” (TPT)

The word translated “HILARIOUS” in this modern version, is translated as “CHEERFUL” in the older King James Bible.  And although it’s a commonly used word in the Bible, the specific Greek word from this interpretation is only found once in the New Testament… and it is within this verse.

According to Strong’s, the word is defined as someone who, in their giving, is propitious or hilarious and merry, that is prompt or willing.”  Well, sad to say, but I had to look up the word “propitious” in the dictionary… and I am glad that I did!  The Oxford Online Dictionaries explains that someone who is “propitious,” gives with a faithful attitude that “indicates a good chance of success; favorable:”

Our scripture verse tells us that giving should be done with a CHEERFUL heart that “springs up freely from the JOY of giving…” And why do it?  Well, as the verse continues to say, because “God loves a HILARIOUS giver.”  That is someone, who like my wife, always gave from the JOY in her heart that was based on her assurance that God would be true to His Word as Paul continued in the very next verse declaring that,

“Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.” (2 Corinthians 9:8 – TPT)

Piper and I believed God’s promise of “overflow with abundance in every good thing” in every area of our lives.  And while this verse is specifically speaking of financial blessings based on our JOYFUL obedience to His Word, there are countless other scriptures throughout the Bible, that talk about the “pressed down, shaken together and running over… exceedingly abundantly above all”* of God toward us as we give of ourselves in EVERY area of our lives.

You see: These are the promises on which you and I have the foundational strength to be CHEERFUL in the midst of every situation… because we are assured of His answers, of His wisdom, of His intervention  and of His victory in the events of our everyday lives!  With all of that in mind… I find it really hard to not be JOYFUL at all times and in particular, during situations of distress and concern.

Oh… and back to that walk some 15 years ago.  We were experiencing a financially tight stretch at that time as her Suburban needed some work and I wasn’t getting my paycheck until the following week… and to be humbly honest, the refrigerator was a little bare.  But, as usual, Piper spotted a handful of change in the gutter as we walked, scooped it up, looked at me with a smile and said “Just wait ‘til we get home.”

So… when we got back to the duplex we were renting, she went upstairs, grabbed the plastic change bag, dumped it on my desk, added her find from that day and counted out the coins.  Well… low and behold… she had enough in the bag for us to drive over to our local Walmart to purchase the things we needed, and on top of that… We had enough to get a bag of their deli’s fried chicken!

Now… that may not sound like a big deal to you… but it was a very fancy treat for us… and we thanked the Lord with every bite of that most delicious dinner that night!  And you know… I NEVER complained about Piper picking up change of any amount again… in fact… even if it is a penny… I do the same (with a smile of remembrance for that day and of my sweet Piper) today!

According to our verses above, I firmly believed that God multiplied the change in Piper’s little plastic bag, because of her JOYFUL obedience to His Word… even when she saw me scowl at her for picking up a few cents or putting those same few cents into the offering at church!

And… Believe you me… I learned my lesson on the “pressed down, shaken together and running over” of God…  HOW ABOUT YOU?

Have a blessed weekend and keep EXPECTING God’s BEST!


And don’t forget that:  “CHEERFUL IS THE WAY TO BE IN 2023!”


*See: Luke 6:38, Ephesians 3:20… etc!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Owner Beware!

With all the Biblical research I’ve been doing, the blog posts I’ve written, the many teaching sessions I’ve given over the years, and the practical personal experiences I’ve had as a purveyor of CHEERFULNESS… I suddenly had the thought:

“Is there a downside to CHEERFULNESS?”

And to be perfectly honest… it didn’t take me much time to come up with a clear and distinct answer:


But… it is not what you might think!  The downside is not caused from any potential personal side-effects of a CHEERFUL heart and/or disposition, but from the potential negative responses that one might get from individuals on the receiving end of our CHEERULNESSespecially in the midst of difficult and trying situations.

One thing that I have learned throughout my life, is that an attitude of CHEERFULNESS tends to carry a certain SCENT along with it.  It is a FRAGRANCE that seeps into the life of the individual who has surrendered to its calling… in all that they think, do and say.  As a Christian, it is a FRAGRANCE that flows from the inside out. 

I’ve often said that my late wife Piper’s beautiful looks and engaging personality, along with her charming, peaceful and encouraging demeanor, was simply a reflection of what was inside of her.  And yes, while I believe that she had some inherent natural gifting in that area, it was greatly enhanced through a life time of diligent study and practice of the principles and promises in the Word of God, which served to enrich and magnify those qualities… and delightfully age the sweet FRAGRANCE that emanated from her.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15 in the Moffatt translations tells us that,

“Wherever I go, thank God, He makes my life a constant pageant of triumph in Christ, diffusing the PERFUME of His knowledge everywhere by me.  I live for God as the FRAGRANCE of Christ breathed alike on those who are being saved and on those who are perishing, to the one a deadly FRAGRANCE that makes for death, to the other a vital FRAGRANCE that makes for life.”

To most individuals the FRAGRANCE of CHEERFULNESS is a sweet aroma that tends to draw people to its source.  But there are some to whom the FRAGRANCE of CHEERULNESS is received as a repulsive stench and an affront to them.  In my experience in both the secular and sacred worlds, this is the normal response of people who are dealing with some aspects of fear in their lives.

In many cases, it is a response that is not only manifested in disagreement with the CHEERFUL one, but also in words and actions that attack the CHEER-giver’s personal character.  I saw that exemplified in my own life experiences in the past, as well as in the present when I looked at the headline news this morning.  As I scrolled down the first page, I noticed at least a half a dozen headlines where individuals in the new political party in power in the House of Representatives, were not only criticized for their rightwing political beliefs, but were done so with vivid personal character assassination.

So yes!   There are times when those of us who CHOOSE to live with a CHEERFUL heart, that stems from our overriding trust in the truth of God, in the power of His Word and in the moral excellence of His ways, may be rebuked by those who are personally challenged by our JOY-FILLED, CALM and hard-to-resist CHEERFUL personalities… that are especially highlighted in the midst of trying times.

People in fear want us CHEERFUL folks to take the counsel of their fear and be adversely affected by it!  But don’t be moved by their negative and sometimes stinging words or actions.  Remember that you have chosen to be CHEERFUL over the long haul!  The Biblical book of Philippians is chocked full of verses where the Apostle Paul commemorated the church there for the way they stood,

“shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Glad-tidings” and of how happy he was to know “that you are not cowed one whit by your adversaries.”*

And Sooo (As one of Piper’s and my Sociology Professors in Junior College would always say as he droned on and rocked back and forth on his lectern):

“Owner Beware!”

Although most will… Not everyone will respond to your CHEERFULNESS in a positive manner.  And if they do so… stay CALM, stay POSITIVE and keep a gentle SMILE on your face.  Remember that you’re CHEERFUL because you are trusting in the Lord to intercede on your behalf for whatever stand of faith you are holding and expressing positive and trusting CHEERFULNESS for!!  The fear you’re facing will either run away or yield to the over-powering FRAGRANCE of Godly CHEERFULNESS that is wafting through the air from you!

Have a terrific rest of your week!  We got a deluge of heavy rain, complete with thunder and lightning this morning and then by noon it was sunny and 60 degrees (albeit with a cold wind though…)!  Keep EXPECTING God’s BEST and let His sweet FRAGRANCE of CHEERFULNESS flow freely from you!


*Philippians 1:27-28 – “The Letters of St. Paul to Seven Churches and three Friends with the Letter to the Hebrews”

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Your Choice...

I know that I have probably mentioned this a hundred times, but the very first thing that drew me to my future bride was her big smile and happy, encouraging personality.  It is what I saw every day when I looked at the cute, petite girl that sat behind me in my Academic English class during my junior year in high school… and it is the pictures and happy memories of her, that I hold deep to my heart of our 48 years together that still encourages me today!

It is kind of like she was created with a special anointing to be a CHEEERLEADER in life.  Her JOY bubbled forth from her wherever she went.  Her CHEER was especially evident with her place in the dynamics of her family.  She had a different personality than the rest of her family and the longer we were together, the more obvious was her role as the family encourager who influenced with a voice and presence of JOY and CHEER!

Proverbs 15:13 in The Passion Translation of the Bible tells us that,

“A cheerful heart puts a smile on your face, but a broken heart leads to depression.” 

This verse perfectly described the effect that Piper had on most people.  It was very difficult for anyone to keep a smile from forming on their faces when they came into contact with Piper and her CHEERFUL heart.  In later years, as the Alzheimer’s encroached upon her brain and she began to speak less and less, the absence of her inputs of joy became very obvious within the atmosphere of our extended family gatherings.

When the symptoms of the disease began to take precedence in her life, I quickly found myself jumping into the role of her protector… but not just for her physical safety, but also protection from the effects of the emotional, spiritual and mental despondencies that others carried into her presence.

I learned really fast that a CHEERFUL heart is a positive and powerful force in the life of a believer… but on the other hand… that an absence of that CHEER allows the negative powers of a broken heart and depression to fester and grow unchecked in the life of anyone who gives it the freedom to run amok in their lives.

The King James Version of Proverbs 15:13 declares,

“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” 

The word ‘sorrow’ comes from a Hebrew word meaning “to worry, to be angry, to displease others or to be grieved” to the point that you “fabricate or fashion your heart in a bad sense.”

The word ‘broken’ is defined as “to be smitten or afflicted” and connotates the idea in this usage as “to drive away” one’s peace, joy and trust in God.  In the original Greek, it is translated as ‘downcast’ meaning to be “rough or rude.”

The writer of this chapter in Proverbs tells us a few verses later that,

“Everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed. But when you choose to be cheerful, every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness.” (Proverbs 15:15 – TPT) 

It would make sense to me after reading this verse, that if one can choose to be CHEERFUL, then likewise, they can also make the opposite choice to allow themselves to give into feelings of WEAKNESS and/or DEPRESSION... or not!

As potential CHEERLEADERS in the lives of our family and friends, we can help others in need to make the RIGHT CHOICE and not yield themselves to the negative and even debilitating effects that can hitch a ride with WEAKNESS and DEPRESSION.

And let it be known… as I learned first-hand… by giving in to WEAKNESS and DEPRESSION, one not only harms themselves but also carries the stench and potential infection of its effects anywhere they go!  In our situation, that uncomfortable fragrance began to have very noticeable negative consequences with Piper… to the point that it became one of the many deciding factors that caused me to move us to be near our daughter across the country.

I would imagine that you, like me… would NOT want to carry the unwanted and dangerous luggage of WEAKNESS and DEPRESSION into the homes and lives of anyone else!  Therefore, it only makes sense that you and I make the RIGHT DECISIONS every day!  The RIGHT CHOICES to be CHEERFULthrough your ever-increasing trust in the Lord and in the truth of His Word… in the face of the negative and/or stressful situations that arise in our lives!

We may not all be born with the special anointing of CHEERFULNESS that it seemed Piper was… but we can all develop that special trait and positive force in our lives with a lot of practice and consistency each and every day!

I want my memory to bring a smile and warmth into the lives of those who might think about me… as Piper’s memory will always do for me!


Have a blessed and CHEERFUL weekend, continue to EXPECT God’s BEST and then pass His BEST onto others by the touch of your CHEERFUL HEART into their lives!

… and remember: “CHEERFUL IS THE WAY TO BE IN 2023!”

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Cheer Squads!

Over the last year, I found myself enjoying the short videos on my Facebook ‘reels’ feed that demonstrate the various routines of different CHEER squads around the country.  I will admit that the thing that first caught my attention was that the young ladies in the “FLYER” position reminded me of my wife Piper.  She had the same small stature and body type.  But while Piper was slim and trim and kept herself in good physical condition, the girls on the CHEER squads are hardcore athletes and are all muscle!  And secondly… and probably most importantly… Piper did NOT like to be tossed around and most definitely did NOT like being upside down!

It amazes me to see how smoothly the guys in the base position flip the girls into the air and then toss them here and there, while the gals perform incredible flips and twists with outstanding pose and balance!  These well trained and disciplined CHEER squads definitely have the ability to wow their audiences and stir up up their school’s supporters in the stands while CHEERING their athletic teams to victory!

I got to thinking about CHEER squads this morning, as I continued my Biblical study on the important role of a CHEERFUL heart.  The Apostle Paul closed his second letter to the church in Corinth with a special encouragement saying,

“And that's about it, friends. Be CHEERFUL. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure.”  (2 Corinthians 13:11 – The Message)

It’s clear after reading all the positive encouragements in this paragraph, that Paul was acting in the role of a CHEERLEADER to the church in Corinth that was said “to have given their founding pastor, Paul, more trouble than all his other churches put together.”*

He was even more succinct in his closing statements to the church in Thessalonica, where among other subjects, he wrote in order to correct some debilitating misconceptions that the church was experiencing in the understanding of their Christian beliefs.**  In II Thessalonians 5:16 he simply penned,

“Be CHEERFUL no matter what.” (The Message)

Paul might be considered to be the greatest, most disciplined and active CHEERLEADER in the entire Bible!  His thirteen or fourteen books (depending on your thoughts on the authorship of Hebrews) demonstrate his amazing routines and skills at bringing forth the Good News of Jesus Christ to generations of people spanning thousands of years!

It is obvious by the scriptures above and the encouraging message of JOYFULNESS in his other letters to the churches… up to and including ours and then going beyond in time… that he strongly heralded the important position that an attitude and lifestyle of CHEERFULNESS should have in the life of a believer.

I got to thinking about all the athletic and sports events that Piper and I attended throughout our school days in high school, Junior College, Chico State University and then a few years later at Sonoma State University when I went back to college to finish my degree.  Our Bible College out here also has a pretty good basketball team as well!

I realized that the CHEER squads played a very important part in those games!  They are not just there for fun, but they help to direct and carry the enthusiasm and vocal shouts of support by those in the stands in which to encourage their team on to victory!  I’ve been on a few of those teams playing out on the field or running on the track and the volume and enthusiasm of the fan’s shouts REALLY do help the athletes to do their best… especially late in the game when strength and energy are waning!

Paul used analogies to sporting competitions as a part of his teaching routines so that those listening to his instruction or reading them through the ages, could best grab hold of the specific details of what he was wanting to get across to them.

Well… I think we are catching his drift… and although we may not be wearing the cool and colorful outfits that the CHEERLEADERSboth female and male… wear at the sporting events of life… we can wear the colorful markings of a CHEERLEADER with the smile on our face, by the joy in our step and through the encouraging and uplifting words that we speak!

And if the Holy Spirit speaking through the words of Paul… and the other writers of the holy Scriptures… encourage us to,

“Be CHEERFUL no matter what.” (2Thessalonians 5:16 - The Message)

Then… It is possible for us to actually come to the place in our lives where we have developed a CHEERFUL attitude and lifestyle… 24/7 – 365 days a yearNo Matter What Happens!

What do you think about that?  GO TEAM!

Have a wonderful rest of your week, EXPECT God’s BEST and above all remember that:

 CHEERFUL is the way to BE in 2023!”



*Introduction to the book of 2 Corinthians in The Message Devotional Bible – page 1355

**See Introduction to the books of I and II Thessalonians in The Message Devotional Bible – page 1409

Saturday, January 7, 2023


I noticed last night, as I went through the house checking for locked doors and turning off light switches, that I just can’t help but to smile whenever I look upon a picture of my late wife.

I first became aware of the unplanned action when I reached up above my favorite 16X20 framed outdoor portrait of Piper, that I took at a local park 2 months before our wedding.  She was wearing an older pair of jean cutoffs and a new blouse that my mother had recently given her… and looked like a million bucks!  As I pulled the cord to turn off the light on my Chevrolet themed clock above the picture in my study, I paused and stood there, staring at her sweet pose, and broke out into a large smile!

From there I stepped into the adjoining hallway, reached for the thermostat and once again, smiled as I unintendedly looked over at an old extended family enlargement from 1976 that is hanging in the hallway, along with many other family pictures… Then I walked into the living room where there are photos of a young Piper hanging next to the big screen TV on one side and on the other side of the room, above the piano, a whole array of mainly vacation and special events pictures of which Piper’s smile… as usual… takes the center stage.

And as I left the darkened rooms behind me, with a huge smile encompassing my countenance, I was greeted by the dog laying comfortably on my bed and… you guessed it… an eclectic collection of Piper’s pictures on the wall above my nightstand.

At that… I confess… it was difficult to contain the CHEERFUL laughter that was bubbling up inside of me!  So, I sat on the bed next to the dog and enjoyed the moment.  I imagine you could guess what or of WHOM I dreamed about that night!

In thinking about that experience this morning, I recalled a recent scripture that I had been looking at from Proverbs 15:13 that seemed to perfectly explain my reactions to Piper’s pictures.  According to The Message Bible, King Solomon declared,

“A CHEERFUL heart brings a smile to your face; (but) a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.”

Well… that was one of those all familiar “Duh!” moments for me!  If anyone in this world had a CHEEFUL heart, it was her!  In the Greek translation of this verse, the word “CHEERFUL (or glad) means “to put into a good frame of mind and/or to rejoice.”  Piper most definitely had a “glass half FULL” attitude in everything she did.  It was almost impossible to find her in anything but a “good frame of mind.”  And that “good frame of mind” radiated off of her and tended to encourage the people around her to catch her joyful and hopeful attitude.  Thayer’s Greek Definitions also defines CHEERFUL as “to be delighted in a thing.”  

At the heart of most everything Piper did, was her DELIGHT (ie; trust) in the Lord and the truth of His Word.  And that DELIGHT oozed off of her and tended to infect anyone who spent time with her!

Solomon further adds to the importance of his statement, a couple of verses later in Proverbs 15:15 by telling us that,

“Every day is a terrible day for a miserable person, but a CHEERFUL HEART has a continual feast.” (God’s Word ©)

It is interesting here, that a different Hebrew word is used for the translation to our word ‘CHEERFUL.  In this particular usage, having a CHEERFUL HEART is described as having a heart or attitude that is, “pleasant, agreeable, valuable in estimation, appropriate, becoming and benign.”  And a peek into the Oxford Online Dictionaries informs us that a ‘benign’ heart or attitude is one that sets “a climate or environment that is mild and favorable.”

As I meditated on that definition of ‘benign’ a little later on, while putting together the dog’s breakfast, I had a stirring inspiration that caused me to suddenly stop what I was doing (to the noticeable displeasure of the dog standing at my feet..) and I looked at the dog and declared:

CHEERFULNESS is not only the RIGHT and APPROPIATE thing to do, and/or live our daily lives… but it is also a honored DIRECTIVE of the Lord indicating how HE wants each of us to live our daily lives!”

In our dire time of need, Piper and I experienced many individuals who did not do and say the APPROPRIATE actions and words while in our presence.  Instead of being an encouragement to us, they instead, chose to be sad and depressed and thereby emit negative pressure into the climate or environment of FAITH that we were attempting to build around us.

No matter what personal emotions or circumstances she was dealing with, at any given time, Piper always made a point to have her CHEERFUL countenance to present a positive influence into the lives and needs of the people she cared for.  She’d even go out of her way in the store to CHEERFULLY encourage other shoppers who looked like they needed a pick-me-up or friendly smile!

I believe that this is one of the all-important lessons that God would want us to learn and put into practice in this New Year of 2023.  And while it may not always be easy to smile in the face of another’s need, the results are far more rewarding than keeping on a “GRUMP” and ignoring the hurting world (or family) around each of us!  Proverbs 17:22 even goes so far as to tell us that “A joyful, CHEERFUL heart is a good medicine!” (God’s Word ©)

So, while your smile and the uplifting and encouraging atmosphere that you bring into someone else’s life is helpful to them… it can also be a good medicine to bring healing to whatever need you may be personally dealing with!

It’s a WIN – WIN situation!

Have a terrific weekend, and as you do… keep CHEERFULLY EXPECTING to GIVE and GET God’s BEST for others as well as for yourself!