Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Buck Stops Here!

Harry S. Truman, who served as the 33rd president of the United States from 1945 to 1953, proudly displayed a plague on his desk that declared “The Buck Stops Here.”  It became a slogan for his presidency and was his final defense to the country when critics argued against his decision to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan and thereby bring a swift closure to World War Two.  As president of the United States, he made it known that he accepted PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the way the country was governed.

In our modern society today, it would seem… at least to me… that we have begun to lose sight of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in our lives.  From my point of view, I am beginning to see more people claiming that they are victims of someone else’s wrong decisions rather than swallowing hard and accepting the fact that “The Buck Stops Here” with them!

In the Christian world, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is the very foundation of our faith.  Sure, as a young believer new to the faith, we need to lean on others as we begin our journey, but there comes a point when we need to grow and develop our relationship with Jesus Christ to the point that we take responsibility for our own faith.*  That doesn’t mean that we stop going to church, listening to Christian teachers and stay in fellowship with other believers, but it does mean that we stand on our own two feet and be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE to God and His Word in the daily events of our lives.

As ministers of the gospel, my wife and I spent some 35 plus years teaching, training and being examples to many generations of college students, youth, children and their parents in the various churches in which we served… But I have to say that I didn’t really fully understand the importance of personalizing my faithof what I believed to be true and stood on as the foundation of my life… until faced with the biggest challenge of my life when Piper was surprisingly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Piper and I had been in leadership positions in the church since well before we were married.  We attended countless conventions, seminars and classes over the years that followed, that served to educate us in our leadership positions and deepen our beliefs… and we also attended one of the best Bible Colleges in the world… but when faced with the life-threatening needs of the most important person in my life… I knew that I had “TO KNOW” Whom I was believing in as well as EXACTLY where I stood when it came to the very foundations and tenets of MY personal faith.

I knew that even though I would have lots of help along the way, that there were going to be many long days and nights ahead, trips to the doctors, emergency room visits and dark nights sitting on the floor all alone except for the dog at my side… when I would need to personally KNOW where I stood in MY faith and thereby have the personal motivation, strength and unquestionable conviction to carry on.

Being confident in what I personally believed empowered me to EXPECT God and His Word to be faithful and true in what medical science and many people around us saw as a hopeless situation.  In my EXPECTANCY in God, I understood that I had to believe what God said over any negative or fearful reports that were spoken in front of us… or behind our backs!

I have come to learn that EXPECTANCY in our personal beliefs in the Gospel message, is the power and the substance of our individual faith during all the situations of our daily lives.**  Paul wrote in Romans 5:5 that,

“Our EXPECTATION (in God and His Word) is not a disappointing fantasy, because (through it) we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us! (TPT)

He also defended his ministry to King Agrippa when held in custody in Caesarea by declaring, “I'm on trial now because I EXPECT God to keep the promise that he made to our ancestors.” (God’s Word ©) 

James the leader of the home church in Jerusalem wrote that doubt in God and His Word cancels any EXPECTATIONS that you might try to muster up in times of need.  He wrote, “A person who has doubts shouldn't EXPECT to receive anything from the Lord.” (God’s Word ©) 

Therefore… as far as I can see… the success or failure of our faith in our daily lives all depends on yours and my PERSONAL EXECTATIONS that we have in God and His Word working in us, for us and through us unto others.  After all… it is what Jesus told us to do when He said… “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (ie; needs) shall be added to you.” (EMTV)

So then… Where does the buck stop?  As my sweet wife used to remind me saying… “Remember Jim… we’re not victims but VICTORS!

Have a terrific weekend, and as you do… Keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life!


*See: I Corinthians 13:11

**Hebrews 11:1

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