Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, March 30, 2020

Positive News!

Yesterday, our Pastor shared five things that can help to keep us from falling victim to anxiety, fear and panic while we deal with the onslaught of the Corona Virus.  Most, if not all, of his points were thoughts that I have been sharing in my last few blog posts.  But that is not too surprising since Piper and I have followed this particular ministry since the mid-1970’s, were blessed in that three of the five churches in which we served were affiliated with Rhema and the fact that I attended Rhema Bible College.  So… it should come as no surprise that we are thinking and acting along the same course of action! 

The five keys he spoke of were #1, To spend time encouraging yourself in the Word of God, similar to David in I Samuel 30:6.  #2, To spend time in prayer in order to also encourage yourself as per Philippians 4:6.  #3, To do things that will make you laugh (Proverbs 17:22, Nehemiah 8:10).  #4, To turn off the news & turn on the worship (Psalm 100:1-5), and #5, To remember that the Lord is ALWAYS there for you! (Deuteronomy 31:6,8)

Those were good words of advice, but what made them even more special was that it ended up being a reoccurring theme that I heard throughout the day!  I don’t necessarily know if this is happening where you live, but our local Christian radio station (out of Tulsa) not only was playing Godly and encouraging tunes, had DJ’s that shared all kinds of uplifting reports, but also had many of the advertisers sharing positive thoughts, words and scriptures in order to bless and encourage the listening audience!  (Like I told Piper soon after we originally moved here in 2006, “We sure ain’t in Kansas [referring to our home in California] anymore!”)

So, that was cool… then later in the day I saw a report on “Fox News Sunday” where they were interviewing Joel Osteen and asking for his thoughts on how we can all better handle the various changes going on around us, and he went on to talk about how we need to focus our thoughts away from all the bad news being continually broadcast and turn our attention to the peace of God.  With his patented big smile and positive and friendly disposition, he explained how it worked and made it sound very possible!   

I’ve heard many Christians talk despairingly about Pastor Joel and his ministry, but you have to understand that his calling (from what I’ve heard him speak about in various interviews) is to preach a simple and encouraging Gospel.  And considering the fact that he has the largest church in the US … it must be working as it is appealing to many people not only in the Houston Texas area (averaging 52,000 attendees a week), but also around the world!

Then there was the tip I got from a good friend in California.  If you want some information and a good laugh about the Do’s and Don’ts of Covid -19 health etiquette, check out the online video: “Pluto Breaks the Internet”*  It’s pretty funny!  And while you’re online, google all the different “Home Concerts” that are being broadcast directly from the homes of many well-known secular and Christian recording artists.  Fox News online is also broadcasting many different Christian denominational services throughout the week.

So… even though there is a lot of not-so-positive news out there… if you take the time and effort to look for it, there is also a lot of positive, uplifting and funny reports, concerts, religious services, and much more to brighten your day and help to draw your attention toward a more positive outlook and hope!

As far as life in my neck of the woods… I’ve noticed a lot more individuals, couples and families walking (or jogging) past my study window, taking advantage of the many paths around the golf course and neighborhood.  There have been many more golfers out on the green… many of whom I think haven’t been out there in awhile as Fiver and I got “FORED!” numerous times when balls went zinging off their intended direction and landed at our feet near or on the other side of the fence that separates where we walk alongside the golf course!

We’ve also been making the best of the local “Safer at Home” policies by working in the yard, cleaning and preparing my various power lawn tools, doing some reading, walking more and keeping my focus on the positive and encouraging words contained between the pages of my Bible(s) or other Christian based literature.

“And Sooooo” as the Philosophy Professor that Piper and I had (and didn’t really care for… as we found it hard to stay awake in his class… I can still see him saying those words and the gleam in Piper’s eyes as she tried real hard not to laugh when I gave her a funny look!) used to say as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet while leaning on the podium in that old large classroom at the Santa Rosa Junior College… I leave you with a positive thought as penned by King David in what my Passion Translation of the Bible entitles “A Cry for Help.”  Expressed “to the Pure and Shining One, as a song of praising, by King David” 

“Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord. They will not fall away, for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud.” (Psalm 40:4)

And Sooooo I encourage you to take the King’s advice and seek to love and trust in the Lord by listening more to God’s positive news than to the negative – fear producing- reports that come from the news on a moment by moment basis.  Have a great week, keep following all the standard health protocols, and keep your eyes on the Good News of the Word… then enjoy all the funny and uplifting videos and other entertainment that is out there right now! 

* https://www.todayville.com/edmonton/this-dog-has-some-amazing-advice-for-the-two-leggeds/

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