Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Piper's Passion

I was talking to my cousin yesterday afternoon and she mentioned the article that our local newspaper had written back in the 1980’s that talked about the growing new phenomenon called “homeschooling” and how that we were one of the first families to do so in our fair city.  The article highlighted an interview with Piper as well as including pictures of her holding an infant Jeremy while teaching Josh and Jamie around the kitchen table.

I had to laugh as I recounted to her that most people… including both of our parents… looked at us like we were Martians for wanting to pursue such a crazy and unorthodox idea!  But I also went on to explain that Piper had such a strong passion and dream concerning the process that nothing nor no one was going to derail her plans of which I whole heartedly supported and encouraged.

I started thinking about the idea of “PASSION” again this morning while getting ready for the day.  And in particular… the passion that just sort of explained who my wife was!  I recalled my walk-through with the Stager engaged by our realtor who was helping me to know what to keep and what to remove from the various rooms in our home, in order to make the best presentation possible to any potential buyers.  In the living room she mentioned the idea of taking out the piano so as to give a more accurate size of the room, saying that the instrument made the room look smaller than it actually was.

Well, that idea hit an instant mis-chord (pun intended!) with me, as removing Piper’s piano would be akin to removing Piper from my life!  A conversation ensued after that of Piper’s passion for playing the piano.  Of course… once you get me started, it was hard to hold back and since the gal was a musician herself, I bragged about my wife’s classical training and how she was just as comfortable and quite proficient with the difficult classics as well as with the old hymns of the church and the modern contemporary music played in most houses of worship today.  Anyway… we came to the agreement that the piano would stay!

But Piper had a passion for a lot of things, first of all with God, then with family, with me, yes with her music as she also continued to play flute throughout the years, with homeschooling, with ministry and in many other facets of life.  Whenever she felt that the Lord had given her a directive, she plunged in whole-heartedly, without much reserve!  And I continue to readily testify how her passion, her enthusiasm and her ability to do things with excellence… without complaining… always impressed, encouraged and ministered to me!

I was reminded of Psalm 40:11 this morning as I contemplated Piper’s passion for life.  In this scripture the Psalmist declares: “Now GOD, don't hold out on me, don't hold back your PASSION. Your love and truth are all that keeps me together.” (MSG)  As I think about my wonderful wife’s passion, I can’t help but be reminded of where her passion originated.  It was simply a reflection of her heavenly Father’s passion for her!  And believe me when I say that she knew Him and of His passion like the back of her hand, because she made a point to spend a lot of time with him.

A similar example of this idea is with Piper and I as she lost the ability to audibly communicate.  I had people in the family as well as other’s that we interacted with on a regular basis suggesting that I do this or that with her, or telling me that she didn’t recognize them anymore.  But what they failed to understand is that after 40+ years of intimate relationship with her, I knew her like the back of my hand (probably better than I knew myself…) I knew what made her tick, her likes and dislikes, her feeling on most subjects and most of all… I knew her passion for life!  Therefore, even though she may not have been able to speak her thoughts, I always tended to know what she desired and needed.

Likewise, Piper knew that when the Father gave her a dream or any other directive, that He always had her back and she trusted in His Word without question or with any doubt sent her way by the negative inputs from those around her… be they family or friend.  Her passion carried her through the rough patches of life, helped her to always seem to have the right thing to tell someone in need and maybe above all… to keep a smile on her face, an inner sense of expectation and a joyful attitude in her heart.

Have you ever considered what things you are passionate about in your life?  Is there a passion in you that carries you above and beyond the daily trials and tribulations that we all face?  There have been many times since Piper’s homegoing that I have found myself crying out like the Psalmist shouting, “Now GOD, don't hold out on me, don't hold back your passion. Your love and truth are all that keeps me together.” 

His passion regularly demonstrated through His personal love and truth toward me is many times all I’ve got… but with those items… I really don’t need much more!  How about you?

Have a great rest of the week, and as you do, say with me… “I am expecting the PASSION that God has put in me to carry me through tomorrow!”

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